heavens incarnate

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Steve's 1983 BMW glided down the road. Eddie's head out the window like a dog, sunglasses resting on his head and his hair in a loose ponytail. Steve was gently rocking his head back and forth with the music, one hand on the wheel, elbow resting on the open window. Eddie sung along to the music wildly, occasionally doing a intense air guitar solo. Steve just smiled at his boyfriend.

The drink filled cooler and various beach supplies bounced with every bump in the road. A bag filled with sunscreen, a football and two changes of clothes sat at Eddie's feet. "You gonna go in the water, Harrington?" Eddie asked, turning to look at his boyfriend. "Hm, maybe." Steve hummed. Eddie sneakily unbuckled his seat and leaned closer.

"Whatt, cmon I think everyone should see our matching scars." Eddie leaned in and lifted up Steve's shirt. Steve scoffed and in response Eddie started to kiss Steve's scars. "Hey! Hey! Stop that! Not in the car!" Steve scolded. Eddie laughed and put Steves shirt back down. Eddie leaned back into his seat and stayed grining at his boyfriend. Eddie hadn't bothered with a shirt, he figured he was gonna be shirtless anyway.

Steve glanced at the back seat. "Thank god we weren't in charge of the kids." Steve sighed. "You said it, can you imagine what Rob and Nance had to deal with?" Eddie snorted as he lit a cigarette. Steve chuckled in response. Eddie took a long drag before exhaling and tapping the cigarette butt outside the window. He turned and held it over Steve's mouth, Steve took a drag and Eddie pulled it away. Eddie watched as his boyfriend held it in for a little while before the smoke flooded out his nose.

Steve pulled into the small parking lot that wasn't far from the beach itself. Steve turned the car off and they both got out, Eddie slumping the bag over his shoulder. Steve opened the trunk and grabbed the beach umbrella, resting it over his shoulder. Eddie grabbed the towels and put them in his bag. They both started to reach for the cooler which in result, had them both sharing a look. "I got it don't worry about-" Steve started. "Don't be silly, let me." Eddie said, pulling the cooler closer to himself.

"Why don't we both carry it?" Steve tilted his head and smiled softly. Eddie grinned and nodded. They each held a handle and shut the trunk together. They made their way down to the beach, sharing the cigarette from time to time. The sound of the waves crashing and the assortment of laughs and voices filled the air with nostalgia.

They spotted Nancy and Robin setting up their area. Nancy was wearing a light purple one piece while Robin was wearing a two piece with a blue plaid pattern. They looked like they were laughing about something but it wasn't until the boys were close enough when Nancy spotted them and hurried over to Eddie.

"Eddie! Hey!" Eddie smiled and they gave eachother a friendly hug, resulting in Eddie letting go of his share of the cooler. "How's it going, Wheeler?" Eddie greeted. She sighed and let go, putting her hands on her hips. She looked at Steve with a smile "Last time I'm offering to take the kids." She joked. "They're a handful, aren't they?" Steve chuckled, Eddie picked up his share of the cooler again and they started walking back down to their setup.

"You'd think they can manage themselves more!" Nancy huffed in her rant about what Rob and her had to go through that morning. Robin smiled at the three. "Hey guys!" Robin greeted, pulling out the sunscreen. "Hey, Rob." Steve greeted before they set the cooler down. "Sup, Robbie!" Robin rolled her eyes at Eddies choice of nickname. Steve walked around the various towels laid out and started to set up the umbrella.

Nancy got her sunscreen sprayed on by Robin and returned the favor by doing it for Robin. "You need any sunscreen, Eddie?" Nancy asked. "Yeah, you'll burn any second considering how pale you are." Robin deadpanned. Eddie slid off his flip flops. "Nope! Munsons don't burn, it's pretty much our talent." Nancy and Robin shared a look before laughing. "What!? It's true!" He exasperated his voice while moving his hands around. "Yeah whatever you say, vampire." Robin teased before the two girls hurried over to the water to play with the kids.

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