Only one

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A/N : in a alternate universe where Eddie wasn't familiar with Robin until he visited Steve at work for the first time.

Eddie bit his tongue as he got closer to the video store. He was finally gonna be face to face with the girl Steve is always hanging out with. Eddie and Steve had only started dating recently but Eddie was jealous of Robin before they liked eachother just because of how close they are. No wonder Eddie was so surprised when Steve had the same feelings for Eddie. His hand pulled the door open and was met by a breeze of air conditioning. He examined for Steve who was waiting right there in the front for him.

Eddie smiled and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend who twirled them around in a hug. "Hey, Munson" Steve greeted, letting go of his boyfriend to get a better look. "Hey, Stevie. " the long haired boy replied, slipping away from the other to examine the store. "Yo, Dingus! Is this him?

" Robin cheerfully asked as she hurried out from the back. "Sure is, rob. " he said, sneaking his way around to Eddie, resting two gentle hands on Eddie's shoulders. Rob. This was it. Eddie looked over and made eye contact with the girl.

Oh shit. She's pretty. He panicked and his panic quickly formed into envy. "What's up! So cool to finally meet you. " She exclaimed, setting a stack of tapes on the counter before rushing over to give him a fist bump.

Eddie just stared, he felt his eye twitch slightly. Steve looked at Robin and they shared an expression. "Uh, yeah, yeah cool," Eddie replied. He looked over at Steve with a smile. "You guys have so many things I've never seen. " he said, dragging a finger downthe shelf and sliding away to the other sections.

"Yeah well feel free to pick out a few and I'll pay for 'em. " Steve offered, giving Eddie a smile. Robin muttered something and Steve let out a chuckle. Eddie turned around. "What's funny? " he asked, almost accusing.

"Nothin' don't worry about it, hon. " he replied before picking up Robin's discarded stack and beginning to put away the tapes on the correct shelf and Eddie knelt down to see the lower shelves . "Do ya have a favorite movie, Munson? " Robin asked. Eddie felt his whole body tense up whenever he heard her voice. "No," he replied with no interest in his voice.

Steve turned around at that. "Yeah you do! You love Halloween, don't you? Steve asked. Robin and Steve shared confused glances once again. "I dunno.

" Eddie mumbled. Barely loud enough for any of them to hear. Steve sighed and set down his small pile. "Eddie come help me with something in the back please. " Steve went into the back and Eddie immediately stood up and followed. They went to the very back wall and Steve still looked confused.

"Why, why are you being so weird? " he immediately jumped into it and Eddie felt his forehead wrinkle. "I'm not acting weird. " He mumbled. "Yes you are, Munson. So spill it.

" Steve crossed his arms and leaned against the back wall. Eddie held a few pieces of hair between his fingers and twirled it around his finger. He sighed and looked at the floor. "You're just always with her and you guys act so close it's driving me crazy. I don't want you to get feelings for her or something. " he muttered, slight irritation in his voice.

Steve almost let out a comedic sigh and a small chuckle. Eddie looked up, annoyed. "Oh god, Eddie," he breathed. "Shes gay. " Eddie questioned this, who knows this could be a really messed up thing to lie about. "Seriously?

" he questioned. Steve rubbed his forehead. "Yeah I pretty much confessed to her a while back and she told me this whole thing about Tammy Thompson," He said with a small smile. Eddie sighed, "Well shit. Does she know we're dating? She doesn't like dudes at all?

" he questioned. "Yes, she knew I liked you even before I did. I asked her about advice for everything. And she most certainly, definitely doesn't like guys," Steve went on. "Plus. .

I wouldn't trade you for anyone. " Steve whispered, pulling Eddie closer by his waist. Eddie sighed contently. "Oh please, I should go apologize to her. " Eddie whispered back. "Probably, but first.

" Steve cut himself off and pulled Eddie into a kiss, holding his face. Eddie smiled into the kiss and pulled back. He ruffled Steve's hair before hurrying out into the front. Robin had gone back to work and was finishing what Steve had left off. "Robin, I am so, so sorry. I didn't know.

" Eddie started. Robin looked over with a surprised expression. "Didn't know what? " she asked before she made eye contact with Steve and then it clicked. "Oh! Oh no, did you think I wanted Steve?

" She breathed a laugh. Eddie nodded. "Oh god eww. I would never. " Steve made a exasperated gasp which made everyone chuckle. "I didn't mean to be a jerk.

" he said, making eye contact with Robin. "Nah, don't worry about it, I don't blame you. " They exchanged a smile. They all exchanged jokes and laughed together for the rest of Steve's shift. Robin and Eddie grew surprisingly close during the little time they spent together. They really clicked and had a lot to talk about.

Eddie looked forward to seeing the two of them again tomorrow and felt dumb for being jealous in the first place.

A/N : sorry it's so short! I didn't have much to work with and I feel quite lazy lol. hope it's still alright!

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