you flirt with suicide

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Blood seeped through Eddie's teeth with every pained cough he let out. He inhaled sharply and his whole body trembled. His flesh was torn and eaten away and tears fell down his face. Steve came running from around the corner. "Eddie!" He cried out while kneeling over his wounded friend.

Eddie looked into Steve's eyes with sorrow. "What were you thinking?!" Steve hissed with tears in his eyes. "Pretty bad, huh?" Eddie whispered. "No. No you'll..youll be fine don't worry, cmon." Steve started to lift Eddie by his under arms but Eddie remained still. "I just need a second, okay, Harrington?" Eddie cried out softly.

Steve sighed and just stared at Eddie. Both of them crying quietly. "You're gonna look after the kids, right?" Eddie smiled softly. Steve shook his head. "No, you're gonna do that yourself." Steve failed to return the smile. "Nah, man. Say you'll look after them." Steve clenched Eddie's torn shirt in his fist.

"I'll look after them." He whispered. Laying his forehead on Eddie's chest gently. Eddies gentle smile faded slightly. "I love you, man." His words trembling. Steve looked up and was now sobbing. He didn't want to say it in a way he would never say it to him again.

Eddie's head turned slightly while looking at Steve, waiting for him to say anything. "I.. I love you so much Eddie, you're gonna be fine okay? We're just gonna wait awhile we're gonna get you help." Steve frantically grabbed Eddie's shoulders to keep him awake. Eddie mumbled something inaudible before fear washed over his face and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

Steve watched in anguish and he broke. He set Eddie down and sobbed. The hardest he had ever sobbed was over Eddie. He looked him in his cold eyes and yelled as he cried. Why did he do that. This was the one time he was supposed to run why did he have to be such a idiot. Steve thought angrily.

He eventually curled up and laid his head on Eddie's chest. He cried softly as Eddie became colder. Everyone else in the upside down came searching for them and found the two laying on the ground. You could tell Steve was shaking from miles away but Eddie on the other hand, he laid uncomfortably and was completely lost.

Robin ran over to Steve as Nancy turned away to tell the kids not to look. Robin kneeled beside Steve and she let out a gasp. Steve was still crying softly into Eddie. Tears began to form in Robins eyes but she shook the feelings away. "Steve, cmon we have to leave." Various sobs started to sound from the distance. All the kids and, Nancy especially, were weeping amongst themselves. Dustin ran passed Nancy and stared at Eddie.

He was crying almost as hard as Steve. Eddie looked so scared. Robin was trying to pry Steve away from Eddie but he just yelled incomprehensible words back. Dustin started to take off Eddie's bandana and watched the guitar pick sway from his necklace when he knelt over. "We can't leave him here! We can't leave him!" Steve yelled. Robin was sobbing at the sight of Steve sobbing.

"Please Steve. Don't do this." She whispered. "He can't play without his guitar! He needs his guitar!" He cried out. Dustin stood back up and started to try and pull Steve away from Eddie himself. Steve had grown too weak to hold on much longer, he eventually slipped away from Eddie's body but didn't stop fighting. Robin gave Nancy a pleading look as tears seeped through everyones eyes.

Nancy looked lost herself. They couldn't stay in the upside down much longer, it was too dangerous. She walked over and linked her arm under one of Steve's. Robin did the same, essentially acting as handcuffs. They collectively pulled Steve away and started walking back to the portal while Steve cried out protests.

All the kids sobbed watching everything go down. Whether you knew Eddie or you didn't, it was a sad situation. Everyone grew exhausted and their cries soon turned into silent tears.

After a few days Dustin gave Steve Eddie's bandana at the shelter while he gave his pick to his uncle Wayne. Steve grew emotional at the sight of Eddie's bandana but bit his tongue as hard as possible to avoid breaking down. The grieve really did a number on Steve, and everyone noticed. He never wanted to be a hero after that day.

A/N : sorry it's so short lol, I just had this title idea I wanted to use somehow. It's also not written very well but it gets my idea across.

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