pretty great day with a boy

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A/N : I know this is a very popular scenario when it comes to steddie but I really wanted to write this out lol. I also wrote in some of my own headcanons so don't get mad at me if they are acting out of character 😭

Eddie walked into Family Video, a attitude in his step if you will. It was around the afternoon which was their least busy time of day for a Friday. He adjusted his bangs and straightened his jacket sleeves. "Well look who it is. . " Robin said slyly, looking up from her magazine. "Hey, robbie. " Eddie teased.

"Call me that again and see what happens. " She threatened, giving Eddie a grin. Steve looked over after hearing Eddies voice. "Hey, Eddie. Whaddya doin' here? " Steve asked, standing up from his kneeling position, dusting off his knees. Eddie skipped over and wrapped his arms around Steve's neck. "Just wanted to see, Mr.

Harrington. . " Eddie stretched out his name. "Uh huh. Right. What are ya hiding. " It wasn't a very concerned question, it was a question he had to ask a lot. "Damn, Harrington.

You don't believe me, I'm hurt. I can't see my. . my best friend while you're at work? " Eddie changed his word choice out of precaution. Robin knew they were dating but god forbid anyone watch the security tapes and get suspicious. "You're a troublemaker, who knows you could be running here to avoid getting arrested. " Steve deadpanned.

This earned a chuckle from Eddie as he slid his arms off of Steve's shoulders and spun around to face the romcoms they offered. "I'm working a double so I'm gonna he here until midnight. " Steve informed, walking to the help desk and grabbing the returned vhs tapes. "Those ones have been rewinded. " Robin pointed out as Steve grabbed the stack and headed back to the shelf. "Well I can stay here all day can't I? " Eddie asked, dragging his finger across the titles. "I don't see why not, you might get bored though.

" Steve replied. "Yeah, I'm leaving at normal time so it'll be boring without me. " Robin chimed. Steve scoffed at that. "You guys get to watch movies in here, don't you? " Eddie asked, turning to Robin. "Sorta. We usually use the TV to rewind tapes that weren't rewinded before being returned, which is its purpose pretty often.

But on slow days like today, we could probably play a movie and rewind tapes after its over. " Robin said everything so fast it was a miracle Eddie took all of that in. "It's freakishly slow for a Friday. " Steve added. Robin agreed. Eddie wasn't sure what a non slow day at Family Video would seem like so he just casually stared at the VHS tapes ahead of him. "What's your favorite movie, Robbie? " Eddie asked, picking up two VHS tapes and examining them.

Robin stared him down and Eddie felt her eyes staring into the back of his head. "Uh, probably the breakfast club, mainly because they remind me of the four of us. " She sighed. Eddie expected that answer. "Oh yeah, get a load of this. Rob, tell Eddie which character is who. " Steve teased. "Well, Steve is the jock, Eddie is the criminal, I'm the basket case and, Nance is the princess.

" Eddie turned his head, he looked at Robin with a sad expression. "Wow Rob, the criminal? I'm hurt. " She gave him a bored look and then reached for a magazine. "What about you, Harrington? " Eddie asked. "What about me, hon? " Steve replied, almost completely tuned out as he put the VHS tapes in alphabetical order.

"What's your favorite movie. " Eddie said, no question in his voice. "Mm. . . I thought Top Gun was pretty good. " Robin flipped through the magazine. "That one came out just a month ago, right?

" Robin asked. "Yeah, saw it with Dustin. " Steve said, walking over to the shelf Eddie was beside. He began putting the appropriate VHS tapes where they belonged. Eddie looked at Steve and smiled at him. He moved closer and rested his arms over Steves shoulders and listened to his heartbeat. He could hear Steve repeating the alphabet to himself as he put the tapes in the correct spots. Steve breathed lightly and he rested his head on Eddies.

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