it feels good, to know you're all mine

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Steve shut his car door and walked up to Eddie's trailer door. He let himself in and looked around for Eddie. "Harrington?" Eddie called out from the other room. "Yeah, you ready?" he called back. Eddie hurried out his room, adjusting his hellfire shirt and one of his rings. Steve smiled at the sight of his boyfriend.

Eddie looked at Steve who was smiling back at him and couldn't help but grin himself. He kissed Steve on the cheek and made his way out of the trailer to Steves car. They shut their doors and made sure they were buckled, safety first obviously. Eddie hummed excitedly as they drove to the grocery store. Filling the time with empty conversations about their friends or work.

They had been dating for a few months now, considering it was now September and Eddie had graduated. But, it was already as if they had been together for year's. Eddie sang along to whatever song was playing from their tape and Steve tapped along on the steering wheel. Occasionally sharing a smile. They eventually pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store and got out of the car.

Steve locked his car and soon enough they were walking side by side together, lost in a conversation regarding what type of cake they wanted to make. "If you could only have one type of cake for the rest or your life what would you choose?" Steve asked, leaning on his arms that were resting on their shopping cart. "Hmm.. Definitely chocolate with raspberry filling but I think we should try something fun or interesting." Eddie offered. Looking down the aisles. "What like a marble cake?" Steve asked. Eddie immediately spun around. "Yeah! I love that kind but I haven't had it in forever."

"Great." He replied. They found the aisle that had the cake mixes and were already met with a question. "So, we can either make our own marble pattern or buy a mix that already has the two flavors mixed." Eddie was kneeling, holding two different boxes. Steve thought for a moment. "Well, I think if we make our own marble pattern it'll be more fun than just getting the other one, don't you think?" Eddie nodded in agreement. "Exactly what i was thinking." he put a box of yellow cake in the cart and followed it with a box of chocolate cake.

"Do we have eggs and oil at ho- I mean your house." Eddie quickly corrected. Steve noticed the "mistake" and messed up Eddies hair as they continued down the aisle. "My house is your house, Ed's," Eddie smiled at that. "I don't think we do, we're gonna need baking spray too." Steve reached for the spray and put it in the cart. "Ah, the oil is down there, hold on." Steve walked down to the end of the aisle and examined what type of oil would be best for the cake. In that time Eddie climbed into the cart and laid back, his legs dangling off the edge.

Steve returned with a bottle of Canola oil. He looked over at Eddie and chuckled softly. "What are you doing, dork." Eddie reached his open hand out to take the oil. "Keeping the cargo safe." He smiled. Steve leaned over the cart and kissed Eddie softly. Eddie returned the kiss but as quickly as it started, Steve broke the kiss and went back to pushing the cart. Eddie held the mixes and oil under his arms to keep them in place as Steve pushed the cart.

They made it to the cooler section where the milk and eggs were stored. Steve grabbed a dozen eggs after some examining and a regular gallon of milk, placing the eggs in Eddie's lap and the milk between his legs. Eddie read the instructions on the back of the boxes. "We got everything we need for these." Steve looked over and checked the box himself before nodding. "Sounds good, do you need anything else?" Eddie shook his head. "Nope!" and with that they hurried to the self checkout. Eddie handed Steve each item and he scanned them.

Eddie handed Steve a few dollars and he fed them into the machine. It was just the perfect amount. He bagged the items before handing them back to Eddie. "Alright, ready, Munson?" Steve asked. Eddie tilted his head a little before Steve was sprinting out the store, the cart nearly tipping over multiple times. Eddie screamed playfully and the wind went right through his hair. They were both laughing and Steve abruptly came to a stop in front of his car, making Eddie jolt forward. Steve caught his breath and the few laughs slowly died out. Steve messed up Eddies hair before they each grabbed two bags.

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