the pool

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"Cmon, Eddie. It'll be fun. " Robin said, leaning over the counter in Family Video. Eddie decided to visit Steve while he was at work and ended up getting himself into a potential pool party. "No way, Rob. Just came here to say hi to Harrington. Where is he anyway? " Eddie asked before Steve jumped out from behind one of their cardboard cut-outs. Eddie yelped and grabbed the counter at the sudden "raahh! " Steve yelled when he jumped out. "Hahaha! I totally scared the shit outta you, Munson.

" Steve said, a grin growing on his face. "Yeah whatever, douche bag. " Eddie murmured, letting go of the counter and crossing his arms. "So, did you ask him to come? " Steve asked Robin, turning to face her. Steve rested a arm on the counter and leaned into it comfortably. "He said 'no way, rob. '" She sighed. "Oh cmon, Ed's. Why not. You're pretty much denying seeing your boyfriend shirtless. " Steve huffed, looking at Eddie.

" I don't like swimming. " Was all Eddie said. Although there wasn't much to it. He didn't like to swim and. . he also didn't know how to. " Who said you had to swim? Just hang out by the pool with us pleasee? Hanging out isn't the same without you. Plus, what else do you have going on tomorrow? " It felt like Robin would never stop talking. Although, Eddie really did want to hang out with them.

He just didn't want to make a fool of himself when it came to actually going in the water. Eddie sighed and looked to Steve who had a confident smile on his face. "So? What do you say, Munson? " Steve asked. Eddie rolled his eyes and tapped his finger against his arm.  "Fine. " Eddie sighed. "Woohoo! Munson is in! " Robin cheered. "We'll pick you up at around lunch time tomorrow, okay?

Oh and it's at Steves house incase you were wondering. " Robin confirmed. The door jingled as a young woman walked into the store and smiled at the three young adults. She started to make her way to the back of the store where the typical 'chick-flicks' were kept. "Woah. Total babe. I'm gonna go attend to her, don't break anything. " Robin whispered so only the two boys would hear her. Robin slipped out from the inside of the counter and hurried to the back of the store. "So, Munson, wanna come over tonight? " Steve asked, turning around so his back was to the back of the store and against the counter. A frown grew on Eddies face as he shifted in front of Steve and put his arms through the ones holding up Steves weight.

"Can't, Wayne comes back tonight, he's gonna want someone to yell at, if I'm not there tonight I'm just gonna hear it from him tomorrow. " Steve let out a short sigh. "You know, I don't even think he would notice if you went missing. " Eddie stared at the horror movie shelf so he wouldn't have to stare at Steve directly. "Yeah, yeah. But he's a pretty good dude despite that. I can spend the night tomorrow. " Eddie felt Steves hand behind his neck. "Mm. . sounds good, Eddie. " Eddie knew Steve wanted to kiss him.

But they couldn't, not here. Not anywhere public. They both knew that. Eddie looked up at Steve and gave a small smile. "I'll check you out right here, this really is a good pick, you'll love it. " Robin said as the woman followed her to the desk. "I better go, so my Harrington can get back to work, huh. " Eddie whispered to Steve, stepping back from their intense position. Steve smirked. "Your Harrington? " He teased, making Eddie smile. "See you tomorrow, Stevie.

" Eddie said, his hand now on the door handle. "Not if I see you first. " Steve said. Eddie left the store and Steve watched him leave, shortly after the young woman Robin was talking to left as well. "So? Did you get her number? " Steve asked, curiously. Robin sighed and said, "She brought up how she was gonna watch the movie with her boyfriend. " Steve understood and gave her a supporting pat on the back. - Eddie walked into his trailer and saw his uncle Wayne was already passed out on the couch, a puddle of beer in front of him and a open bottle facing downwards in his hand. Eddie sighed and just made his way to his bedroom, shutting the door and taking off his vest.

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