I'll be the one that knows

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A/N : Kas!Eddie stuff but.. after he came back and everyone found out because idk how I'd write that. (The earthquake didn't happen)

Steve woke up late in the night. He made eye contact with Eddie who had been staring him down for the last 30 seconds. His pupils contracted into small dots whenever he focused on something and it scared the shit out of Steve. "Christ, Munson." He jumped at the sight. Steve looked the other way as Eddie relaxed and leaned back against the wall. "Sorry." He whispered. Eddie hadn't been taking the whole thing very well.

It freaked him out being a living dead thing and some days it was harder to cope with than others, especially because of his previous crush on Steve. He knew Steve would have no interest in being with him. A : because he was a guy. And B : because of the whole vampire thing. His torso had become freakishly elongated and strangely ripped. His skin was paler and his scars were very prominent.

Steve sighed and pulled his shirt away from his collar. "Hungry?" He sighed. Eddie fidgeted, embarrassed. "I mean, sorta but it's fine I can wait." Eddie mumbled. Steve looked at Eddie with pity and it drove Eddie absolutely mad. Why couldn't he just be normal. "Id rather not be torn to pieces in my sleep, so please." Eddie had been hiding at Steve's because of the lack of parents around, Steve didn't mind. Eddie's company was better than no company.

Steve still liked Eddie. Despite Eddie being this way he still remembered the old Eddie and knew that's what was underneath. He always wanted to be Eddie's boyfriend but this was a really complicated situation, it wouldn't be right to dump it on Eddie while he's emotionally vulnerable. Eddie sighed and climbed onto the bed. He leaned close to Steve and rested a hand on his shoulder. Steve steadied his breath as he felt Eddie's fangs against his neck, where a previous bite was healing.

"Ready?" Eddie asked. Steve nodded silently and Eddie bit him. Steve shivered but stayed content. He leaned his head back and waited for the headache to start. Eddie glanced at Steve occasionally to see if he was passed out or not.

He couldn't believe Steve would let him do this. Steve pushed Eddie's head off once he started to feel a migraine form and Eddie wiped the blood off Steve's neck. Steve exhaled and looked at Eddie. He smiled and ruffled his hair. Eddie knew Steve was trying to make him feel better which was sweet. Steve really has been the nicest to Eddie ever since he found him.

"Eddie?" Steve whispered. Standing in front of Eddie. Eddie was growling and staring Steve down angrily. "Eddie.." Steve whispered again, this time reaching out to hold Eddie's face. Eddie huffed and let out a high pitched scream in response. Everyone was watching in fear. Nancy held up her gun pointed at Eddie, Lucas and Robin were gaurding the other kids. And Dustin. Dustin was holding his shield out in front of him. His best friend. Was scared of him. Eddie turned back to face Steve. Steve held Eddie's face which is when Eddie started to silently cry. His wings fell to his sides and he sat and cried, looking at those around him.

"Munson, you okay?" Steve waved his hand in front of Eddie's face to try and snap him out of his trance. Eddie blinked back but stayed silent. He stared at Steve's comforter and felt a single tear fall down his face. "I miss being normal." Eddie whispered. Steve's heart throbbed seeing someone he had grown close with be in so much pain.

Steve sighed and shifted himself infront of Eddie. He layed down on Eddies knee and just stared at his torso. He wasn't sure what to do to comfort Eddie anymore. He didn't know how to express his unconditional love without completely confessing his feelings as a whole. He began to trace Eddie's scars as an attempt to ignore the sharp ache in his neck and the overall pain of the conversation.

"At least you didn't lose your music.." Steve whispered as Iron Maiden played softly in the back. Because of the many late nights Eddie had to stay up, Steve let Eddie play his music for as long as he wanted so he didn't get bored. "And you've got some sick wings you can whip out whenever you want, pretty cool party trick.." He continued. Eddie glanced at Steve before he sighed and looked up. "Yeah but..I lost the one thing I really wanted.." He said quietly.

Steve perked his head up. "What? Your guitar?" Eddie immediately regretted what he said. "No.. But I miss her a lot too." He felt his throat tighten at the memory of his guitar being destroyed. "Then what?" Steve asked, laying his head back down. He didn't feel like going back to sleep so might as well engage in whatever conversation. He enjoyed talking to Eddie after all.

Eddie sighed. What's there to lose? " Theres this guy I really liked," Eddie sighed. "But, I don't think i had a chance with him anyway." Steve felt his heartbeat speed up. Eddie already had someone he liked. His chances just dropped to negative 100.

Steve felt himself grip the denim that rested underneath Steve's hand in a way to contain is sadness. Eddie tensed up slightly. "What.. What was he like." He asked. Eddie breathed through his nose to try and piece together his scrambled thoughts. "Well.. He's really charismatic. And he's funny. Compassionate." Steve rested his finger on a indentation in Eddie's skin.

It was all torn and eaten away. But Steve wanted to kiss every spot. "So," Steve thought for a moment. "Do you still know him?" Eddie started to panic. He's definitely gonna find out. But, fuck it. "Yeah. I do." Steve tried to trace back everyone Eddie might have known.

"He in hellfire?" Steve asked. "Damn, Harrington. Interrogating me?" Eddie snorted. Steve looked up at Eddie after the sudden humor. A piece of Eddie that lingered, a piece Steve loved. "No, he doesn't like anything I like. But, he makes up for it In everything else." Steve sat up and looked at Eddie.

"How could you possibly like someone like him." Steve thought out loud. Eddie slowly turned to face Steve. And he chuckled. He really laughed. "I have no fuckin' clue." And he was smiling.

It was really like he hadn't changed at all. But his smile slowly faded. "But, alas, that ship has sailed.." He whispered. Steve stared at Eddie lovingly and leaned in close to Eddie. He held his face and Eddie immediately shivered at the familiar feeling.

"Eddie.. I.." Steve started before his phone rang loudly. Disturbing the comforting essence of the room. Steve quickly hopped out of bed and grabbed the phone. "Hello?" He greeted. "WE FOUND A WAY TO FIX EDDIE." Dustin shouted from the other side. It was so loud Eddie heard and he immediately sat up all the way. Steve felt his mouth drop open slightly as he slowly turned to face Eddie, who was sharing the expression.

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