𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘 || 𝟓𝟑

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𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟏𝟎, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒


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"No, I don't kno—" Zyaire handed Z'naii back to Jae'elle.

"Don't wake my baby up, go sit on the couch until I'm done." She demanded causing Zyaire to just nod.

"JAE," He whisper yelled.

"She ain't been out in three days,"

She nods before stepping into Kairi's room.

"Kairi, you know this is unacceptable."

She sighs closing her computer, "I'm working Mom, somebody is coming tomorrow to clean the dump up," She sarcastically remarked.

"Your sister is in there,"

Kairi shrugs her shoulders, "I know, I'll let her sleep."

Jae'elle sighs, "Kairi we've come a long way, please don't le—"

"Hello?" Jae'elle frustratedly answered her phone.

"Where the fuck is Kairi?" Deviantae cussed.

"Excuse you?" She asked as Zyaire walked into the room.

"Jae'elle?" He firmly asked.

She hung up the phone, before sending Malachi a text about his behavior.

"Kairi what did you do?" Zyaire asked drawing her attention to Kairi.

"Why'd you ask her that?"

"My phone was ringing uncontrollably, I had to cut it off..." They both looked at her.

Zyaire squinted as he walked to the edge of the nightstand, "Why is your phone powered off?"

Kairi still hadn't responded, Jae'elle took a deep breath as she made a conscious decision.

"Take care of her, whenever the time feels right tell her she can call me whenever."

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