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𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟏𝟑, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒


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"I won't go against my family Kairi,"

Other opinionated voices spoke up also, "What's the actual issue?"

"Your parents might not cut you off, but our families don't care... They'll let everything they've built fall just because they can."

"It would be different If I was assured our futures weren't at risk in any shape or form."

"We need 25 votes,"

"As of now, we only have two votes."

"Six, we're standing by you," Alsio announced causing his wife to smile.

Kairi sends Zyaire a soft smile, "Has anybody spoken to Tai'Vanii?" Dominic asks.

Tai'Vanii promised to be here, but neither she nor her grooms showed up.

"My grandfather wasn't hearing a word I had to say," Keon remarked.

"They're denying us human rights, they tell us who to love, how to love, when to love, you can't have kids rank knocked,"

"A minimum of two kids, rank knocked," Kahara spoke.

"You wanna take a vacation, rank knocked," Jackson sarcastically added.

"You guys said it yourself, so let's take our freedom into our own hands.

"If I can ensure financial stability, we'll have your votes."

"You'll have two more votes," Jackson replied.

"I can assure you'll have my vote, my parents won't go against The tradition,"

Kairi nodded, before she could reply a knock on the door caught the room's attention.

Tai'Vanii walked in as the boys followed her, "I need to talk to you,"

Zyaire's eyes were wide, "Who sent you did this?!"

He snatched the figures from her hands, "Someone sent us five items, and if my theory is correct we're in deep shit." Yh'ale replies.

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