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Doyoung POV

O to the M to the G!!!!!.. Is that Prince Bang Yedam? He looks so good in reality. Well, it's mysterious for me to dream of a person that introduced himself as Bang Yedam but the guy in my dream and him really looked liked. "Prince Bang Yedamm, marry me!!. I feel like my whole body is recovering when I saw His Majesty's heavenly face. Ackkkk!!!!!

Hey Doyung?, Let's go. Junkyu pulled Doyoung's wrist which made Doyoung snapped back and lost his thoughts.

Doyoung: Where are we going hyung?

Junkyu: To catch that deer and go home.

Doyoung: Oh, ok.

They were about to leave when someone pulled Doyoung's wrist on the other side. Which Junkyu did not notice.

Junkyu: Doyoung, are you not coming?

Doyoung: H-hyung???!!*ackkkk!!!*

Doyoung exclaimed in a low stuttering and flattered voice.

Junkyu turned his head back to see that a certain guy was holding Doyoung's other wrist.

Doyoung's head was down as he felt his blood from his feet to his head rise. "Prince Yedam was holding my  wrist"*internally screaming rn *

Junkyu looked once again to the guy. The guy has one company and it was staring deeply into him. He don't know but there was something on that guy that draws him. There was silence.

Prince Yedam: Why are you two here?
He said in a curious voice.

Junkyu snapped back and shrugged his head.

Junkyu: First of all, do you mind to please stop holding my brother's wrist?

He said in his mono-tone voice.

The guy smiled awkwardly.

Prince Yedam: Oh, okay.

After releasing Doyoung's wrist, Doyoung immediately went behind Junkyu,using his hands to hide his blushing face.

*Doyoung: Why do you have to do that hyung? Ackkkkkk!!!!*

Junkyu: Well before I answer that, could you please answer this first?

Prince Yedam: Aight.

The guy behind him looked at them.*interesting*

Junkyu: What do you think if you saw a man with hunting materials in a forest? What do you think will he be using those?

Prince Yedam: Oh, to catch some animals right?

Junkyu: Well, you know the answer and why ask?
He responded in a sassy and sarcastic- like voice.

Prince Yedam was shocked and so as Prince Haruto, who was just looking at them.

Junkyu: Well, thanks for the time. We'll be off first. Let's go Doyoung shi!

Junkyu turned his back against them and pulled Doyoung to the wrist.

They were about to walk when Yedam held Doyoung's hand.

Prince Yedam: Wait, you're Doyoung right? I'm Yedam.

Doyoung was shocked on what Yedam did. They shakes hands then Junkyu and Doyung left.

Prince Yedam and Haruto when Junkyu and Doyoung left.

Yedam: What the hell bro, I think I'm inlove.

Haruto just chuckled at him in a low voice.

Haruto: Well, I guess  you must pass his brother first before you can get to  him and claim him.

Yedam: Wait? How do you know that it was his brother?

Haruto: Well, they just looked alike each other and Did you see how protective he was?

Yedam: O-okay.

Haruto: Because you auto-flirt without observing.

Yedam: I wish I can meet him again.

Haruto: I wanna see him again too. *sigh,* Cute.

While walking, Doyoung can't stop himself from smiling and it did not go unnoticed by Junkyu.

Junkyu: What are you smiling at? Doyoungie?

Doyoung: Hyung, did you know that the one you talked to is Prince Yedam of Arendelle?

Junkyu: Well Yes. And I pretended that I didn't know him because he might look down on us if we saw him as a Prince.

Doyoung: Oh.

Doyoung's expression changed .

Junkyu: Well Doyoungie, You have your biggest crush on him and I can see that. And if he likes you, then who am I to stop it?

Doyoung smiled once again.

Doyoung: Thank you for understanding me hyung.

The two spend some time in the forest and finally caught some deer to bring home. They caught another small one.

And when they were going back to their home, they found an old hut and saw an old lady sitting in front of the house. They were wondering why is the old lady living  in the middle of the forest?

And because of them, being respectful, they went closer to the old lady and bowed their heads and said their greeting genuinely while smiling.

Old Lady: Please little children, would you mind to please give me some of your meat? I'm very hungry and I need something to eat.

She pleaded.

Junkyu: Oh, no worries Grandma.  He smiled genuinely.

Doyoung used his knife and cut the meat into two and gave the half to the old lady.

The lady received it and thanked the both of them.

Doyoung: Oh, no worries Grandma. We're happy to help.

Junkyu: Well be off first to our homes.

The old lady smiled at them and waved her hand as they went their way.

"They're really good. Are they honey?

The old lady transformed into a fairy and the whole hut vanished.

"Yes, I feel pity on them" says another fairy who was hiding under the house.

"They're so good"

"And genuine"

"I wanna help them from that bastard"

" And kick his ass"

"But we need to take more time or else we'll be punished by the highest fairy"

"Don't worry guys, we can help them, sooner"

Doyoung can't help but to feel curious so he turn his head to look back at the hut and the old lady.

"The hut and the old lady vanished."

Doyoung felt shivers in his body. But he hid it so as not to worry Junkyu who was happily walking.

They finally reached their abode and cooked the animal. As usual, their father left them one piece for each other and went back in their room, still hungry.

When they got in their room, they saw food again and it was like the animal that they cooked but it's more delicious. They ate it and sleep.

"Prince Yedam, hope to see you again"
Doyoung said before closing his eyes.



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