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Doyoung and Junkyu was again asked by their father to gather firewood and sell them in to the market.

They were happiness walking on the forest. Talking and laughing. The two noticed dark stares around them. They just shrugged it off, maybe because it's just hallucinations.

They found a dead tree to and started to chop it. Junkyu was the one chopping and and Doyoung was the one arranging and gatherings it.

Doyoung: Hyung, what do you plan on doing in the future?
Doyoung suddenly asked.

Junkyu: I don't know, Doyoung shi, I feel like our future is already planned.

Doyoung: What about father?

Junkyu: I don't know Doyoung shi, father does not seem to care about our future.

Doyoung went silent. They already knew his brother will answer his question in that manner.

Doyoung: B-but what if father is gone? What do you think we would be doing?

Junkyu: I still don't know. But one thing is for sure, I want your future to be bright and secured. I dont want you to feel that you are alone.

Doyoung was touched by what he have said.

Doyoung: Hyung, but my future is already bright because of Prince Yedam.
Doyoung joked so as to removed the sad atmosphere around them.

Junkyu: Hahahha, I hope he likes you back.

Doyoung: What about you hyung?

Junkyu was thinking of his answer. Then Haruto popped in his mind. Though he just saw the guy for the first time on the past days, he can't stop thinking about the guy.

Junkyu: M-me, i- I don't like anyone for now.

Doyoung: Are you sure? Yieeee hyung

Junkyu: What?

Doyoung:, I remember, when we met Prince Yedam on the forest, I saw you deeply staring at his company. And you have your eyes fixed on him and you did not stop staring at each other until we left the place.

Junkyu: M-me, s-taring a-t h-him? N-no way!!

He said stuttering. He also don't know why.

Doyoung: Why are you suddenly stuttering? As far as I know, my brother won't stutter in front of anyone. Even though father. But when brought that topic you suddenly stutter.

Junkyu: N-no, I'm not.

Doyoung: A-are you perhaps, in love with him?

Junkyu's blood was rising to his face . He felt warmth in his face and he felt that his ears are starting to get red. His hands was sweating.

Junkyu: N-no, why would I? And stop your teasing on me Doyoung shi,we just met and I will fell in love for him quickly? No way!

Doyoung: But he's kinda good looking. But not much as my beloved Prince Yedam.

Junkyu just laughed at him. Not responding as he might say something about him always thinking about Haruto.

The two just continued their work. And Doyoung,once in a while will tease him about Haruto and he just blush slightly.

Doyoung: Hyung, can I pee somewhere?

Junk,as his usual protective brother cell.

Junkyu: Do you want me to accompany you?

Doyoung: Ahhh, No I can go myself .

Junkyu: If something happens, just shout and I will come to the rescue.

Doyoung: It's not like I can't protect myself. After all, you taught me martial arts.
He said while making gestures of punching and kicking.

Junkyu, who was facing opposite direction to Doyoung, faced him.

Junkyu: But be careful and bring your-

He did not finish what he wanted to say to Doyoung because he already left, probably because he badly want to pee so much.

"Oh, nice talking to you"

He just continued chopping the wood.

Doyoung POV

"Ahhhhh, how nice it is to pee. Others say that having sex or kissing or having many money ( relatable for me) feels nice but they don't appreciate peeing that much.

While he was zipping his shorts, he heard growl.

"No, mama help me. It's not like it's a wolf"
He internally cried.

He slowly lift his head up and saw wolf. Well, not just wolf but a pack of wolves. Probably three of them.

He shrieked once but he just forced himself not to do it for it might just made himself more edible to the wolves. ( Hahahahha )

The wolves was getting closer to him. He gave his final message to his brain. "Bye Junkyu hyung"

The wolves were about to jump to him but he saw that its head turned to another direction. He saw his Junkyu hyung, luring the wolves while he watched him, not knowing what to do. One wolf was left and the two proceed to run to Junkyu.

The wolves ran to Junkyu's direction.

Junkyu was getting ready when the wolves were stumbled down. As he saw arrow, one by one, shooting on each of the wolves.

Junkyu stand there, frozen.

The wolf that has been with Doyoung suddenly went down, as what Doyoung can see the wolf was hit by an arrow. He wondered who was the person that fired it and saved him.

Junkyu went immediately to Doyoung and hugged him.

Junkyu: *sobs*I told you to be careful.

Doyoung: *sobs* Im  sorry  hyung, he cried with his heart out.

Junkyu: N-no, it's not your fault...

The two of them flinched when they heard the sound in the bush.

And their it revealed, The two, Prince Yedam and Prince Haruto.


Thank you for still reading my book.. sending love...

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