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Junkyu and Doyoung was waiting for their friends on the tree where they always meet. They were hoping that their friends would arrive before the ball will start.

Doyoung: We must wait for them a bit hyungg, they might have a problem their.

Junkyu: Okay.
Junkyu said but deep inside, he was growing impatient.

Doyoung looked at the the stars and wished that their friends to be arrive here already. "H-hyung!!"

Doyoung shake his brother's shoulder."Hyung!!"

Junkyu flinched at the sudden contact.

"Nae!? Doyoung" he asked.

"L-look a-above" Doyoung said, voice shaking.

Junkyu looked above and saw a flying wagon. He hugged Doyoung and looked back at the wagon again. The wagon was going down and to his surprise-

"Junkyu!!! Doyoung!!" They shouted.

Sunoo?Jay? Sunghoon? The three lads were running to their direction.

Doyoung hid behind Junkyu.

Sunoo: Junkyu, I'm sorry for being late. But we have a good news.

From the wagon, the Neverland fairies went to where Junkyu and Doyoung were with their friends.

Jay: They are fairies who will help the two of you.

" Hello Junkyu and Doyoung were the " gorgeous, cute, fantastic, beautiful, unbelievable, show stopping fairies of Neverland".

"Hi , I am Asahi and this is my boyfriend Jaehyuk and we are the fairy of calmness. When you look at us you can feel the real calmness and peace."

" Hi, I am Hyunsuk and this is my boyfriend Jihoon. We have the power to make things alive.

" Hi everyone, I am Mashiho and this is Yoshi my boyfriend. We are the fairies who have the power to dress anyone who looks ugly. "

And I am Jungwon, the fairy President.

Each fairy was glowing with their representative colors. The JaeSahi couple was light green,the HoonSuk couple was blue and the YoShiho couple was yellow and Jungwon was all white.

Junkyu and Doyoung was shocked.

"Ahhhhhhhh, Doyoung shout."

Junkyu immediately covered his blabbering mouth with his hands.

Jungwon: Are you afraid of us?

Junkyu: Y-yeah

Asahi: No, don't be were good creatures.  Me, Jihoon, Mashiho and Asahi were your fairy godmothers and the other three were our husbands. When the two of you were born, we appeared and helped your mom. Thus, we became our godmothers.

Junkyu: Oh.

Jungwon: We will help you go to the ball.

Sunoo: Junkyu yah, when we got home the clothes that you two will supposedly wearing was used by my cousins without my permission.

Sunghoon: We were growing worried about the two of you and suddenly they appeared. Saying to help us.

Mashiho: Do you want to go to the ball?

Jungwon: I'm the one supposed to say that shiho!

Mashiho:, Oh sorry hehehe. He awkwardly laughed.

Jungwon: Again, do you two want to go to the ball?

DoKyu: Y-yes

Get ready for the epic transformation.

Yoshi and Mashiho waved their wands and suddenly, lights were covered in Doyoung and Junkyu's body.
:insert fx( swish,swish,swish)

The light stayed for about ten seconds and when it disappeared.

Junkyu and Doyoung on a gown. A very beautiful gown.

Do you want them to wear gown?

Well, do you want me to make them wear suits?

Yes! Because they are guys



Doyoung and Junkyu looked breath taking in the beautiful gown. Their three friends were starstrucked by them.

Sunoo: OMG they looked pretty to Doyoung and Junkyu. I'm sure that Prince Haruto and Yedam will drool to the two of you.

But wait, were still not done yet.

Asahi and Jaehyuk waved their wands to Doyoung and Junkyu.
And now, they were filled with calming scent, a very beautiful scent. Sweet like honey and clear as the river.

The scent is so very addicting. Ahhh I can't get enough.

And lastly, Jungwon gave them a bracelet for each of them.
"When the clock strikes twelve, you must left the palace for our magic will lost its power. However, this bracelet will not be lost as it's not powered by our magic."

The bracelet was breathtakingly beautiful. It was made from real diamond.

And by the way, Doyoung and Junkyu I already informed your Prince's. Just go their and they will know."

The SukHoon couple waved their wands and the wagon they have ridden now lost its wings and it was changed into wheels.

Hyunsuk: Ride this to the Palace.

Jungwon: Be careful Doyoung and Junkyu. You mom must be proud to the two of you.

And with that the fairies hug the two siblings and then they faded.

"We must now go on our way to the Palace!"

All of them went on their way to the Palace, riding the wagon.

PS: no one is driving the wagon. It's magic.

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