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When the two siblings are done in chopping the woods, they gathered it and carried it on their back. Doyoung sadly bade goodbye to the lion and went on their way to the market.

They arrived at the market and not just an hour and a half, they already sold their chopped woods.

The siblings were famous in the market for their outstanding visuals. Wherever  they go, eyes would always look at them amazed. Though, they always work everyday, their skin would always stay white as porcelain.  The two have their differences but always stands out on the crowd.

Doyoung has milky white skin that perfectly fits his red and heart shaped lips. His eyes that is big and eyelashes that are perfectly bend and his thin body.While Junkyu has flawless skin, chubby cheeks and chunky eyes.

The two siblings are often mistaken as girls. Many people would often offer them to be adopted but their father would not agree.

They went back to their house and saw their Dad, waiting for them. The two were immediately called by their father and they went to him.

Dad: Where is the money?

Junkyu: H-here

He said while giving the money to him.

Their father looked at it and smiled maniacally.

Dad: Good job my boys.

He said as he caressed Junkyu's hair.

Junkyu immediately felt disgusted at the contact. His blood rushing due to anger and madness. He stepped backward.

Junkyu: W-we will be off first, we still have some errands to do.

He said as he pulled Doyoung, who was furiously watching his father's action. They quick left him behind.

Thier Father didn't give a damn about that action. He just went outside their house, ready to waste the money for gambling.

Junkyu and Doyoung were now sitting under the tree, where they used to sit and meet their friends.

"Hello bitches!!" Sunoo greet them as he enter through their secret door. Jay and Sunghoon followed him. The siblings mood lighten up as soon as they heard the voice.

Doyoung hugged Sunoo and they sat.

Doyoung: Guys, y'all won't believe it?!!
He excitedly said

Sunoo: Well, yes. Who would believe you?

Doyoung: Okay Sunoo, nice joke. He said in his "dull" voice.

Jay: What is it Doyoungie?

Doyoung: Hyung, is it okay to tell them?
He said whilst looking at Junkyu

Sunghoon: Is it that important much?

Sunoo: Guess we should start to feel curious since Doyoung asked Junkyu.

Junkyu: Oh, okay. You should tell them.

Doyoung squeaked excitedly.

Doyoung: So, our Dad asked us to catch some animals yesterday. Then while we were walked we saw a deer. We agreed to catch it but someone fired an arrow at it but it missed. When I looked, it was Prince Yedam-

Sunoo: Ow, okay. He said sarcastically

Doyoung just eye rolled him and continued talking.

Doyoung:  Prince Yedam hold my wrist and asked why the two of us is in the forest and Junkyu hyung answered him in his usual " if you know, why bother to ask tone" and Junkyu hyung pulled me but Prince Yedam also pulled on the other side and asked if my name is Doyoung and then we handshake. Then we left the Prince Yedam and His company there.

Jay, Sunoo and Sunghoon was speechless.

Jay: Ahh, Uhmm Junkyu hyung, is what Doyoung said all true?

Junkyu: Yeah, he replied.

Sunghoon: Lucky the two of you.

Jay: Someone was with Prince Yedam, did you say?

Doyoung: Yes?

Jay: Well, it might be Prince Haruto, the Kingdom's Crown Prince.

*Haruto huh? Junkyu thought.

Sunoo: Doyoung's dream finally come true.

Doyoung: Well, For Your Information, My dream has finally leveled up.

Sunghoon: And what is that? Sunghoon asked.

Doyoung: That I'll be marrying Prince Yedam.

Everyone went silent.

Doyoung: Guys?

Jay: As long as your happy. Keep dreaming.

Everyone laughed.

Doyoung: Ahhhh, seriously , Thanks for understanding me guys.

Junkyu: About the Royal Ball, when is it?

Sunghoon: I guess, in the first moon in this month.

Jay: That is 3 days until now.

Sunoo: We couldn't trust you Sunghoon because you said "I guess"

Junkyu: Well, Sunoo has a point.

Everybody laughed at Sunghoon.

Sunoo: Don't worry babe, I still love you.
He said to Sunghoon that made him blush.

Jay: Do y'all have a plan to attend?

Doyoung: I just depend on Hyung.

Junkyu: If father would agree.

This statement made everyone fall into silent. They already knew that their father wouldn't let them attend such as event.

Jay: O-oh, he said breaking the silence.

Sunghoon: If your father would not agree,  then the three of us will sneak you two out in this house.

Sunoo: And I'll prepare your attire.

Junkyu: Oh, Thank You.

Sunoo: How could every people in this town will not have the chance to see my beautiful face and as well as the Kim siblings?

Sunoo proudly exclaimed while posing.

Doyoung: Ew?

They all laughed once again.

They spend the rest of their time talking to each other . And when they knew it was their to go their respect home, they bade goodbye's to each other.

When the siblings are now resting after eating the food in their room ( to whoever gives it to them ), Doyoung can't help but to question his hyung.

Doyoung: Do you want to go to the Royal Ball?

Junkyu : uhmmm, I don't know but I have this feeling that I wanna go.

Doyoung: I wanna meet Prince Yedam again and properly Introduce my self to him.

Junkyu: Well, Doyoungie, give me some time to think  if we should attend the Ball.

Doyoung: O-okay hyung.

The Fairies POV:

Asahi: Ughh, I want them to go.

Jihoon: Yes, same here.

Jeongwoo: What about their father?

Jihoon: ughhhhh !!!

Jungwhan: I badly want to interfere but I'm afraid that I might break the "Book Of Codex".

Hyunsuk: I badly want them to go to the ball and see the drama there.

Jungwon: We just wait patiently everyone. I feel like our time to help is coming.

Thank you for reading.

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