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At the Palace POV

The Royal Ball was coming. The Palace servant was busy arranging the things. The environmental looks bright. But there's one person who's feel uneasy; Prince Haruto.

Haruto was started to feel uneasiness last day night. He don't know but he dreamed seeing Junkyu cry. He was runnings for Junkyu but too late because he vanished in his dream. And there it started that he felt uneasiness. It was like his others half was beaten. He started to feel worry for Junkyu but why?

On the other hand, Prince Yedam could not get enough sleep. He was always thinking of Doyoung. Last day , he felt shivers to his spine and one person was in his mind; Doyoung. Is he alright? Is he eating well? Is he not sick?

Today, their father came from their meeting with the other neighbouring kingdom. King Christian, who was Prince Haruto's father and King Martin who was Prince Yedam's father. The two Kings we're very close to each other because they were cousin. They decided to have a Royal Ball in hope of finding someone suited for their sons,the two Prince.

Queen Ariana and King Christian with King Martin and Queen Shaira together with Prince Yedam and Prince Haruto.

King Christian: How are you Haruto and Yedam? Did you find someone?

Haruto: D-dad.

Queen Ariana: Yes, he found someone. He said he was cute and charming.

King Christian: He? Is he a guy?
He said as his voice was starting to go high.

Queen Ariana: Yes, and so what?
She said as he raised her eyebrows to King Christian.

Queen Shaira and King Martin was just quite.

King Christian: Oh, No honey. I was just glad that our son has found someone.

Queen Ariana: Okay? Hmmmm are you planning something?
He said in a suspicion tone.

King Christian:Well, I was planning to have our son meet with the Princess of Syklovia.

Queen Ariana: Well, tell her that our son is gay!
Her mother said in his demanding tone. King Christian was kinda dissapointed but He can't do anything, He loves her wife so much.

Queen Ariana: If you won't tell her, no sleeping in the room with me tonight and until the next full moon.

King Christian: Okay, okay! How about Yedam? He may be interested in her?

Yedam looked at his mom and his Father.

Yedam: Ahh M-me?

Queen Shaira: *coughs* He is also gay.

King Martin was shocked, forming "O" in his mouth.

Yedam: I- I am Dad. Sorry:(

Queen Shaira looked at his husband and she raised  eyebrow to him. Indicating to do the next action.

King Martin: Oh, my son I'm fine with what you are and who you love. Hehehehhe
He laughed awkwardly while looking at Queen Shaira who was now satisfied.

Yedam's face lightened up. But he tried to hide it.

King Christian: Oh, so our Sons are both Gays. So there's no point in doing the Royal Ball.

King Martin: Y-,yeah

Queen Ariana: The Royal Ball will not be postpone nor be stopped.

Queen Shaira: Yes!

King Christian: Okay, as decided, the ball will not be stopped.

King Martin: Yeah!

King Christian: Okay, Haruto and Yedam you may now go.

"Oh, thank you for supporting us"

"Thank you for accepting us"

And with that, they exited the room, smiling.

Haruto: And now, seems like our Father is fine with both of us being gay.

Yedam: Yeah, I can finally court him.

Haruto: Me too.

Yedam: I hope he's fine right now.

Haruto: I hope he will attend the ball.

How was that?

And by the way, Queen Shaira already told his husband, King Martin about Yedam being gay. He was against it at first but Queen Shaira threatened him that they will not have s*x if he don't approve so what can King Martin do?

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