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At the Palace POV

Yedam asked her Mom if he can go to the forest to  practice his hunting skills... Hmmmmm?? Yeah?

Okay he wants to go to the forest, might as well see Doyoung, if in any chance he's there.
And without a doubt, his Mother immediately said "Yes".

Yedam thought that it'll be awkward to go to the forest, alone. So he was now walking into Haruto's room where he saw Haruto and his Mother talking to each other. Haruto's Mother saw him and signaled him to go closer to them. When he got closer, he paid the Queen respect by bowing to Her.

Queen Ariana: Ohhh, little Yedamie hi there.
She greet him while smiling brightly.

Prince Yedam: Oh, Your Majesty.
He replied while lowering his head head.

Queen Ariana: What bought you here? Do you need anything else?
She said in a worried tone.

Prince Yedam: Well, I just wanna ask Haruto if we can go to the forest together and practice our hunting skills?

Queen Ariana: Oh please Yedam my dear, don't lie to me. Youngsters today.

Yedam just chuckled nervously.

Prince Yedam: What do you mean, Your Majesty?
He said in a curious tone.

Queen Ariana: Well, I bet you want to go to the forest to see someone? What was "his" name again? Do- Doyoung?

Prince Yedam blushed upon hearing his name.

Prince Yedam: H-how did you know, Your Majesty?

Queen Ariana: Well, I have my ways. I'll be off first since I have something important to do. ( Makiki chika lang Naman kay Queen  Shaira).

Prince Yedam: Okay, your Majesty.

The Queen left the room.

Queen Ariana: Oh! And it's okay, you two can go your way. I already told the guards not to accompany you two anymore. Since this kingdom is peaceful. Be careful!!

Prince Haruto: Thanks Mom.

Prince Yedam: So, wanna go to the forest together?
He said in a sly tone while smirking.

Prince Haruto: Why not?

HaruDam layag!! Joke

The two Prince prepared their things. They bought with them their weapons, their Royal sword and bows and arrows.

As they came to the entrance of the forest, they heard a shriek. They quickly went to where the voice led them and here they are. The two were hiding in the bush to see the situation.

Prince Yedam saw, the love of his life, being countered by three wolves. He immediately prepared his bow and was prepared to shoot it. But the wolves turn their heads, Doyoung's brother was luring the wolves to him.

As the wolves was coming to Junkyu, Haruto quickly draw his bow and shoot the two wolves quickly while the one left , about to attack Doyoung on the corner was shot by Prince Yedam's arrow.

Haruto saw Junkyu went to his brother and hugged him.

Haruto was still deciding if he and Yedam should go out but Yedam pulled him went outside the bush where they're hiding.

And here they are, being the cause why Doyoung was forming a letter "O" in his mouth and Junkyu's eyes widened.


No one's POV

Junkyu can't believe what he just saw. Prince Yedam and Prince Haruto. They were the one who saved his brother's life and also his life.

Doyoung went behind Junkyu's back while trying to wipe his tears and trying to digest the current situation which choked him.

Prince Haruto saw that the two siblings were clearly confused and surprised by the situation so he introduced himself.

Haruto: Hi I am Haruto. Are you two okay?

He asked while looking at Junkyu straight in the eyes.

Junkyu was also staring at him.

What kind of staring contest is this?

"Hi , I am Yedam". He introduced himself as he can feel the tension forming from the two of them. He can clearly see Doyoung giggled and he felt butterflies in his tummy.

"Hyung? Your staring too much." Doyoung elbowed Junkyu who was having a staring contest with Haruto.

Junkyu: Ahhh   I-I am Junkyu. Kim Junkyu. Thank you for saving me and my brother.
He said while a avoiding Haruto's eyes.

Doyoung: I am Doyoung. I am his younger brother. Thanks for saving us.

Yedam: Oh, no worries honey.

Doyoung became as red as tomato, which did not escape in Yedam's eyes. He chuckled at him."CUTE"

It's been 15 minutes since Doyoung and Yedam took their time in getting to know each other. Since the younger asked him if he can and can't refuse him because they're also the one who saved them.

Junkyu is with Haruto now, alone. The two just sit beside each other, without talking.

After five minutes of silence.

Haruto: Hi, nice to meet you. I am Haruto.

Junkyu just giggled internally. He is so cute when he's awkward.oh my gosh, what am I even saying?!!?

Junkyu: Oh, I already know.
He awkwardly responded.

They just became silent again.

Haruto: I-i just want to tell you that Yedam likes your brother. H-he even said to me that he can't stop thinking about him.

He said while stuttering. Para-paraan yarn Ruto?

Haruto was surprised with Junkyu's response.

Junkyu: What about you?
Junkyu was taken back in what he said. He felt his blood rushing to his face and now it was red. He hid his face using his palm.

Junkyu: Oh, sorry. You maybe uncomfortable with what I said, Your Majesty.

Haruto: No no no no, Im not. By the way, I'm fine, you can  just call me Haruto.

Junkyu: Haruto?

Haruto just smiled at him.

Haruto: Yes.-----And don't worry I always think about you since we first met, last day, yesterday and now.

How was it everyone?
Stay safe and sleep..

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