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Unknowingly for the two brothers, they were observed by the royalties. The dire situation they are experiencing and such.

The two Princes asked for the presence of their father.

The Queens happened to know the story of the guys that captivated the hearts of their sons, and so it was arranged to rescue them.

The two Princes went back to the forest, hoping to meet their respective lovers. And because fate was siding with the two if them, they met the two Kim siblings Doyoung and Junkyu. What felt like a bliss for the four lovers was quickly replaced by terror when they saw that their father was looking at them.

"Hmmm, so this is where the two of you, useless junks go to flirt." Their father shouted at them.

They felt terror.

The two prince was feeling angry.

"Don't you know us?" asked Haruto bravely.

"I don't, and i don't care" their father said. " Now if you would mind, return to me those two useless trashes so that they can work again"

"Both of us are this kingdoms crown Prince" Yedam proudly announced.

Their father was shocked.

" HAHAHAHHA are you joking? " he laughed crazily.

" No we're not and today, you are asked to live in the prison where you should be"

When Haruto said this, hundreds of knights were gathering around their place and chained their fathers.

At last, it was over for both of the Kim siblings. The sufferings they experienced ended as the fates twisted it for them.

As the both of them reminisce it, they still feel sad and remorse over it. But as the powerful love between them and the two Prince's, it was enough to strengthen them.

"All that's well, ends well" Haruto said before kissing Junkyu.

A Story Of Two Cinderella KimWhere stories live. Discover now