204 14 10

30 minutes.... 35 minutes.... 40 minutes..........

Sunoo,Jay and Sunghoon's presence was nowhere to be seen.

Junkyu was now growing impatient and Doyoung was trying his best not to complain or rant.
...  tik tok tik tok.. the time is running

Sunoo Jay and Sunghoon's POV

Sunoo was growing hopeless and so as Sunghoon and Jay. Well, the Reas is that the clothes prepare by Sunoo was used by his other cousins who did not inform that they will also attend. Now, what can I give to Doyoung  and Junkyu to wear?

Sunoo was now crying and is being comforted by his boyfriend while Jay was now hysterical.

Sunoo: *sobs* I'm such a very bad friend.*sobs*

Sunghoon: No, babe your not. It wasn't your fault, but your fucking cousins.

Jay: What are we gonna do now? The ball will start in an hour?

Sunoo: I don't want to give them hope.

Sunghoon: What if we just go to their house and told them the truth?

Sunoo was sobbing more.

Suddenly, the whole room was glowing brightly.
The three covered their eyes.  When the light was slowly fading, Sunoo tried to peek. And to his surprise, he saw the most beautiful, gorgeous and unbelievable creature he has ever seen. The other two boys also saw them and was shocked.

Beautiful creatures that have wings and was shining brightly.

"Hey, everyone I know that I am very gorgeous but no need to be stars strucked that long"

" That was not a part of our introduction babe"

" Can you two please be serious right now?"

" We have decided before that no flirting when this time comes?"

" Hey, your just jealous became Asahi won't notice you!?"

"No, your wrong, Asahi my babe!?"

" Ew, Jaehyuk gross"

" Babe!??"

" Can y'all please stop it? Let's do our introduction now!"


" Hello everyone were the " gorgeous, cute, fantastic, beautiful, unbelievable, show stopping fairies of Neverland".

"Hi , I am Asahi and this is my boyfriend Jaehyuk and we are the fairy of calmness. When you look at us you can feel the real calmness and peace."

" Hi, I am Hyunsuk and this is my boyfriend Jihoon. We have the power to make things alive including your dic-"

" Wtf Hyunsuk, disgusting"

" Oh sorry, heheb"

" Hi everyone, I am Mashiho and this is Yoshi my boyfriend. We are the fairies who have the power to dress anyone who looks ugly. "

Sunghoon clapped while Sunoo and Jay was still shocked.

Sunghoon: Wow, the acting, editing, set and  everything is perfect. Tell me, what drama are y'all shooting?

"Hey do you want me to turn you into a frog? said Hyunsuk.

Sunghoon covered his mouth.

Jungwon: Well, we are all the fairies that guide Doyoung and Junkyu. And we are here to help them.

Jay: W-whats your name? By the way your very cute.

Sunghoon elbowed Jay and whispered" yah, it's not flirting time"

Yoshi: Yikes, looks like our leader has found his "soon to be bf"

Jungwon: STFU before I cut your wings in half.

Yoshi: Eto namang so leader di mabiro.

Jungwon:, So, were here to help you and especially Doyoung and Junkyu.

Sunoo: C-can I ask?
Sunoo said while stuttering.

"Ohhhh, he's so cute"
"Badly want to pinch his cheeks so much"

Sunoo: Are you all real fairies?

Jihoon: Yes? Do you think it's an acting?

Sunoo: No, no it's that I can't believe I see one right now.

Sunghoon: Is there any fairy that curse?

Jungwon: You talking about me?

Sunghoon: No, no heheehhe

Jay: What are we gonna do now Jungwon babe?
He said out of nowhere.

Jungwon blushed at the name called to him by Jay.

" if your not that handsome I would have turned you into a frog."

Jungwon: I-i we-- we should head to where Doyoung and Junkyu are. He said while stuttering.

Jaehyuk: Why are you stuttering leader nim?

Jungwon: I-im not. Tease me once more and I will really slice your wings apart and feed them to the Pixies.

Jaehyuk: Sorry ehehheh, he laughed awkwardly.

Sunoo: How are we gonna go to their house this time? It may take us a very long time to reach their place?
He asked them in a low voice.

Hyunsuk: Well, thats why were here to help you.

Jihoon: Ready babe?

Hyunsuk: I'm ready babe.

Jihoon: Are you sure?

Hyunsuk: Yes babe.

Jihoon: Here I cum-- come babe

Hyunsuk: Ughh

Jungwon: I'm very irritated right now. Hyunsuk and Jihoon Please do what you need to do now.
Jungwon said while trying to surpress his irritation.

Jihoon: Oh sorry.

Asahi: We don't need your sorry.

Hyunsuk: Okay okay.

Jihoon and Hyunsuk: 'Rex Magnifica Ultimum Sapientia"

And there appeared a horse with wings ( certainly not a unicorn ) in a wagon.

The three boys was surprised to see such a beautiful ride.

Jay: We gonna ride their?

Yoshi: Obviously yes.

SunSun rushed to the wagon excitedly and took their sit. Followed by the other Fairies. Jay was going with Jungwon and since their are two seats left behind ( they purposely left it unoccupied ) they sat their.

Hyunsuk: ol of us r gae!

Hyunsuk cast the spell and the wagon moved.

Sunoo: Yey, were flying.

Asahi: No? We're swimming.
He said sarcastically.

Sunoo: okay, fuck you.
Sunoo said while he rolled his eyes.

" Ohhhhhhhhhhhh"

Asahi was shocked and he held his chest in a dramatic way.

Asahi: Ahh, I'm hurt.

Jungwon: Well, I think hmmmmmm, DESURB

Wait for us a little more. We're coming Junkyu and Doyoungie

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