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Doyoung POV

Its been a day since Doyoung and Junkyu met with the two Prince. Yedam's presence was still not leaving Doyoung's mind and what Prince Yedam said to him.


Doyoung asked his older brother, Junkyu if he can stay away from them a little bit and talk to Prince Yedam. He can see his brother's face having doubts but he eventually said yes. Well, it's Prince Yedam they're talking and the two Prince saved them.

Doyoung and Yedam went to the nearest lake and sat there. Doyoung was just silent, seeing Prince Yedam being awkward. (Umeegat yarn?)

They just sat there and look at the beautiful view of the lake in front of them. Doyoung was feeling like he would regret it he won't talk so he initiated the conversation.

Doyoung: Your MaJestY, ThAnk YoU foR SaViNg us..
He said in his baby tone. "Chumacharot ampeg"

Prince Yedam: Oh, don't mind it. How could I let a very cute and beautiful guy be eaten by the wolves?
He said in his usual"not so flirty tone" .

Doyoung: Thanks for the compliment, Your Majesty.

Prince Yedam: And by the way, you can just call me Yedam, I'm so sick of hearing "Your Majesty".

Doyoung: Yedam?

Prince Yedam: Yeah. Hehehehh

*Woooshh, silent breeze*

Prince Yedam: A-are you p-perhaps, taken?

Doyoung: What do you mean, Y-Yedam?
He asked confusingly, stuttering at "Yedam" since he was not used to call him that way.

*Woooshh, silent breeze (2)*

Prince Yedam: W-what I mean is that, d-do you have boyfriend?

Doyoung blushed but tried to calm himself (rn internally screaming )

Doyoung: I'm, not into any relationship as of now, Y-Yedam.

Prince Yedam: Oh, is.... that so?

Doyoung can clearly see a hint of pink shade in Yedam's cheeks.

*Woooshh, silent breeze (3)*

Doyoung gathered all of his courage. If he would not about it to Prince Yedam, then the time that they have now will be a waste.

Doyoung: A-actually, I've been t-thinking a-about it. W-would you l-listen Prince Yedam?
Doyoung said in his low tone voice, saying "Prince" since he was carried away by his nervousness.

Print Yedam: All, ears.
He replied attentively.

Doyoung: O-okay*gulped*  Ihavebeenhavingacrushonyous!!
Doyoung said, he was feeling proud of himself.

Prince Yedam: What did you say? I didn't understand it. Will you please repeat it?
He asked in a confused tone.

Doyoung's heart was now like a horse that was running back in forth in his ribs. Damn!!

Doyoung: I-i said , I-i have a c-crush on you?
👉🥺👈 *Imaginary uwu*

Prince Yedam widened his eyes. No? Did he really--? Oh My God!!!

Due to his excitement, he hugged Doyoung tightly, pushing him into his chest.

Doyoung was giggling inside. Why? His crush is hugging him. Who wouldn't giggle and scream internally?

Even you 🤙🤙..

But, what is this feeling? Like there was something in Doyoung's chest telling him to stop.

Doyoung immediately broke the hug. He stand up, trying to collect himself and tried to surpress his tears. Not just a step leaving Yedam behind, Yedam held his wrist and pulled him into his chest again. This time, Yedam held him tightly in his arms, not wanting the younger to leave him behind.

Print Yedam: Where are you going Doyoung?

He said in his worried tone as he felt Doyoung's tears on his clothes. He did not care anymore, for now he need to make Doyoung feel his love for him.

Doyoung did not answer, instead he just tighten hugging Yedam's waist while laying his face in Yedam's chest.
(tsumatsansing yarn? Iba talaga pag Doyoung)

They stayed in that position. Yedam did not bother asking him.

When Doyoung stopped crying he broke the hug and wiped his tears.

Doyoung:  "I liked you Prince Yedam and I don't know why are you doing this to me. I know I'm not as rich like you, don't have a Royal blood in running my veins and not as important as you. But I like you and I'm just sad that you, knowing all of this will not even feel a single feeling for a lowly human like me. "

Prince Yedam: " How can you say that to yourself! Your  saying that a "Prince" like me, can't like or fall in love with a person not the same status as I am. And yet, here I am, being crazy for a guy that I just met three days ago"

Doyoung felt Yedam's hands tightening in his hand while he was slowly digesting Yedam's words.

Prince Yedam: "Yes, you heard it right. I'm inlove with you Doyoung. Since we first meet, last day, yesterday and today, I can't get stop thinking about you. The feeling to be with you and claim you as mine is always the thought that I always imagine. After the day when we first met, I was missing you tho we just met and so I went with Haruto in the forest and we saw the two of you, cutting woods. I was about to approach you but I guess that wasn't the right time. I--

Doyoung did not hesitate to cut Yedam's words as he hugged him, tighter than before. The older also hugged him back and looked at him in the eyes.

Yedam can clearly see worries and "what ifs" in Doyoung's eyes. But the feeling of him being by his side was enough for him to shrug them away and think only of the person he was hugging, Kim Doyoung.

How is that for DoDam?
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