🌕CHAPTER 17: JayWon

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The wagon stopped on the castles gate. Junkyu and Doyoung got outside first, then followed by Sunoo, and Sunghoon.

"Can I stay here for a while? Jay pleaded.

" And why would you stay? Asked Sunoo.

Can I spend this last time for the first person to make my heart skipped a beat? Jay said while he looked at fairy Jungwon.

Jungwon and Jay's eyes meet. Full of love and admiration.

The four friends then understood the assignment.


They left and walked the way to the gates entrance, leaving Jay behind.


                                        Jay's POV

Thankfully, they understood what I meant.

I really want to be with him( referring to Jungwon) badly.

The fairies were still here and silence is observed in this moment.

"Uhmmmm, I--"

"It's okay, we understand" Hyunsuk, one the fairies said.

" We should take our leave now, if we may President" Jihoon, also one of the fairies said.

Jungwon was hesitant, I can see it in his eyes.

He nodded, and in an instance the fairies left.

Now,  it's only the both of us , infront of the Palace gate.

I felt my hands sweating and my heart beating faster than it ever did.

"I uhmmm--- I didn't even get to start my speech when he interrupted me.

"I like you"

These words keep ringing in my head. He likes me, he likes me, he likes meee!!!!!

"But we can't be together, I'm a fairy and you're a human."

In this world full of "buts" , why does love being counted?

" It's okay" I said, hoping to be with him in every ways that we can.

"It isn't, no matter how I want to be with you, I can't. We're not of the same kind. "

After seeing his sad eyes, I can't help but kiss him. He didn't even flinch, rather he responded to my kisses.

After a while of kissing, he let go, crying.

"If you really want to be with me, would you take the risk? He asked me.

"Yes, for you. For us"

"I-I-I can make you a fairy. B-but only---

" Yes, do it right now"

" But--"

I can't let his but be another interference of our love.

" Make me become a fairy. I want to be with you, forever. To be always there for you and------

I swear this cute fairy, always interrupting what I say.

"It's only the first time we met? I couldn't be sure if you truly love me?......

I put a kiss on his forehead, to the two side of his cheeks and lips.

"Isn't that enough? I asked.

We kissed again.

"That confession was the best!"
"Our President already has a boyfriend"
" To the President's first boyfriend"

STFU everyone, though I got my boyfriend, that doesn't mean that you can mock me. Y'all want me to turn y'all into frogs.

"Oh knaurrr!!"

They all just laughed as I looked at my cute boyfriend.

"You really want to be fairy?"

"Yes" I answered in my strong will.


They all formed a circle around me, including Jungwon.

"U really sure?"

I just nodded.

Then all of the fairies body shine brightly. The recite an incantation, in which I didn't understand. I felt pain all over my body while they recite the incantation. It last for a minute.

Then I felt my body sinking into the air.

I realized, I've become a fairy. To be with someone I truly loved.

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