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"And don't worry I always think about you since we first met, last day, yesterday and now."

Those words are always stuck in Junkyu's head. He has been thinking about him since then. After their awkward conversation, he went to Doyoung and sold their woods to the market, went back to their house and clean.

He can clearly see Doyoung being more brighter, and happier than he was since them meeting the two Prince. He want to ask Doyoung what Yedam told him but Haruto just kept  interrupting his mind. His face would always pop in his mind nowhere causing him to lose focus on his work.

They were now cooking dinner for their Father and for their stepsister's. Doyoung was preparing while he was slicing. He wanted to focus on slicing the ingredients but his hands misguided the knife, causing him to be cut. He groaned because of the pain. Doyoung noticed him and went to him quickly.

Doyoung: Hyung!! What happened?

Junkyu showed his finger. The cut was just small.

Junkyu: I cut my finger.

Doyoung guided him and washed his fingers then put something to cover it. They continued cooking. This time Junkyu was just assisting him, for Doyoung don't want him to continue slicing.

Exactly when they were done, they heard a loud knock on the door. Junkyu opened it while Doyoung prepared the table.

They saw their father. Eyes red, must be because he was drunk. Things started to heat up when his father grab Junkyu's collar and punched him.
Doyoung saw it and immediately helped his brother who was now on the floor. When Junkyu stand up, he wiped his face that is covered with blood, because his nose was bleeding.

Their Father glared at them and held Doyoung's collar.

Dad: Where is the money? Where the fuck is the money? He said while still holding Doyoung's collar tighter.

Doyoung: D-dad, I'm hurting.
He said as he used his hand to pushed his father's arms in his collar.

Doyoung felt his Dad's hand loosened on his  collar at the same time receiving a slap from him. He felt his body in the floor. Junkyu helped him get up and their father glared at the two of them.

Dad: Never call me "Dad". It's the most disgusting word I heard from the two of you. Now! Where is the money?

Junkyu put his hands on his sleeves and gave their father the money.

Dad: Why is this so small? Did you only got some small amounts of woods you lazy bastards?

Doyoung: I-Its because the price of the w-wood us low right now.

Dad: Do you want me to believe you?
His Dad shouted.

Junkyu was now burning in rage. Be can't take this anymore. This treatment,abuse and everything. He gathered all of his strength and answered back.

Junkyu: How about you work on your own? You always think about yourself, despising your own child while our step sister's and you were the only ones that benefits from our own work.

Their Dad slapped  Junkyu so hard that he fell on the floor. He immediately stand up to show that he is not weak.

Junkyu: You know, were very done here. Go and live yourself. We don't need a fucker like you.

And with that, he pulled Doyoung and went outside their house, leaving their Dad more angrier.


Doyoung followed Junkyu to Sunoo's house. He was crying but Junkyu paid no heed for him and just continued walking.

When they reached their after 15 minutes of walking, Junkyu knocked the door without a doubt. Soon, Sunoo opened the door and was shocked seeing the two of them.

Sunoo: Oh, Junkyu and Doyoung, come inside.
He welcomed the siblings into his house and gave them water to drink.

Junkyu went inside with Doyoung and there, he cried with all of his heart. Pouring out all the madness and frustration in his heart. Doyoung started crying too and Sunoo embraced the two siblings.

"god, why is this happening to the two of us?what have we done wrong?"

A Story Of Two Cinderella KimWhere stories live. Discover now