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Watching  Prince Haruto flexing Junkyu in front of the Queen and the King, and the citizen made Doyoung feel very proud of his brother. Prince Yedam was looking at him the whole time during Haruto's message. Sometimes, Doyoung can't really recall how did he meet Prince Yedam. After listening to the warm message of Prince Haruto, Yedam invited him to a dance, and who was he to decline?

They were dancing on the music played by the band ( orchestra ). He was holding Prince Yedam's hands, while the other was leaning on the Prince's shoulder. His waist was also held by Prince Yedam. Together, they dance, as if the music was slowly becoming the sound of their heartbeats.

Yedam:  Doyoungie?

Doyoung: I was feeling the dance, why do you have to ruin it?
Doyoung jokingly answered.

Yedam: I was thinking, you and my "soon brother in-law" can live with us.

Doyoung was silent. He was thinking of what to say. He dont want to leave his family the same way  that he also wants to be with Prince Yedam.

Doyoung: I think this might be caster than i thought. Can you let me decide this for the meantime? Im not going anywhere, besides lets just enjoy this moment for the meantime.

Yedam just nodded his head, well Doyoung might have a point.

The time for the two of them finally came. Kim Junkyu and Kim Doyoung needed to go home now. Their father might be trying to find them right now. And if they are nowhere to be found by their father, they might be beaten.

And so the two of them appear in front of the King and Queen. Though nervous, they tried their best not to manifest it. They bow infront of the royalties infront of them.

Both Queens were amazed by their politeness.

Queen Ariana: So, who is the boyfriend of Haruto here?

Junkyu flinched, it didn't escape in the eyes of the Queen.

Queen Ariana: Oh so are you the one? Hmmmmmmm...... I hereby confirm that Haruto is my real Son.

Haruto: Isn't he cute, mom?

Queen Ariana: Yeah, yeah. And this fella right there , is this the guy that Yedam liked? And why do they look similar in some aspects?

Doyoung: We are siblings, Your Majesty.

Queen Elsa: Oh, what a cute voice.
The Queen giggled and went to pinched Doyoung's cheeks.

The two prince was shocked by their mothers attitude. Doyoung on the other hand was shy, well who wouldn't be? He was complimented by the Queen herself.

Queen Ariana: Oh, sorry my future "son-in-law". The two kings are not here. Theyre busy entertaining the guest.

Junkyu: Uhmm, Your Majesty and Queen Ariana, do you mind if we'll go on our way?
He was nervous to ask this to the both of the Queen.

Queen Elsa: Oh, dear you can just spend the night here. And also you can also sleep to your boyfriend's room if you want to. ( grinning devilishly while looking at the other queen)

Haruto blushed at the thought of him and Junkyu sleeping together.

Doyoung: Thanks for the offer. But we really need to go on our way, Your Majesty.

Queen Ariana: Well, we cant force you, so yeah
You can come back anytime around to visit your boyfriend's and us.

The two siblings bowed and went their way. They were accompanied by Prince's Yedam and Haruto.

Each of them bade farewell to their boyfriend's. The wagon was waiting for them, with the SunSun couple.

They bade goodbye's to the two Prince's and went their way.

" an unforgettable night between the two of them "

A Story Of Two Cinderella KimWhere stories live. Discover now