A start :)

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Okay! That's it!! Are u gonna stop or not? What should I do to gain your forgiveness? I said I'm sorryyy!! Stop there!! I can't run anymore behind you! Where are u going anyway? Taehyungahh? Taehyungshii ?Taetae? My baby bear? The boy walking ahead can hear everything and still kept his poker face to ignore his shy smile! My sweetie tata? He just smiled, still not ready to face her , first of all, he isn't mad at her at all! Well, how can he? When she is his everything! His only best friend! His one and only sweet little bestie! My cutie sweetie pie overflowing with honey bear???? Ahhhh y/n stop!!! I have told you never to call me these cringyyy names !
Y/n : Taetae..im really sorry for what I did! I didn't know when the time passed soo fast! My only intention was to take a quick nap but unfortunately it ended up to hours!! It was an accident, I'm sorry sorry sorry!!! Am I forgived?? Hmm?
Taehyung : umm....No
Y/n : *whining* what should I do then?
Taehyung : idk its up to you, you won't be forgiven until I'm pleased!!
Y/n : lemme think what will please you? Ohh yeah tae let's go for a night walk today? And I'll do anything as you say! Mark my words" Anything you say " okay?

Taehyung : hmm... Okay I'll see about that !

Y/n : yaay now c'mon give me that boxy smile of yours!!

Taehyung : No

Y/n : aish c'mon no one is gonna see its just me here ~ can I see that pweasee!

Taehyung : No u heared that N O No

Y/n : okay fineee (*N o No*) *immitating him*

Taehyung : Hey how dare you?

Y/n : I just kissed his cheeks *giggling *and ran away!!

Taehyung : You stupid brat com back!!

*he chuckled to Himself and went with her back to their classes!

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*he chuckled to
Himself and went with her back to their classes!

******time skip******

Taehyung : y/n what is he even doing there? How long did I sleep?

Y/n : sshhh taehyung, lemme listen to the class~

Taehyung : *eyeroll*
Stop acting like a bookworm when ur actually not!!

Y/n : shut up will you?

Taehyung : what is she taking!

Y/n : it's accountancy

Taehyung : what? I thought it was English!

Y/n : I'm not surprised at all!

Taehyung : Y/n you know~

Y/n : what?
Taehyung :You look , you looks so -

Y/n : I look so?

Teahyung : ugly ~

Y/n : Tae ,If u don't stop talking and disturbing me then who do u think is gonna give you notes for you to complete later ? Huh?
Then don't come to me sayin y/n my baby ~ my princess ~ my bestie ~gimme notes.. That won't work!!

Taehyung : Y/-

Professor : Y/n ! What are you blabbering there? Come and solve this question ! Here~

Y/n : fvck! I don't know -ahhhh wth will I write!!

Professor : come fastt

Taehyung : *trying to hold back his laughter * go Y/n proffesor is waiting-

Y/n : just wait until I come back to kill you!

Taehyung : *controlling laugh * suree..

Y/n : asshole *she murmured*

Y/n : s-sir idk how to do this I'm sorry !

Professor : Great! Bring imposition tomorrow! Write this a hundred times! Got that?

Y/n : y-yes s-ir

Proffesor : okay so gladly go outside the class as a punishment for not paying attention in my class!

Y/n : but sir -

Proffesor : OUT
*i sighed and Went out glaring at the man giving me wicked smirk *

Professor : where are you going now?

Taehyung : I'm going out?

Proffesor : and why?

Taehyung : Cuz I want to, excuse me sir.

Y/n : *gasp* why are u here?

Taehyung : the class is soo boring without you.

Y/n : aahha I see~

Taehyung : Let's go !

Y/n : wher-
Stop talking and come *he dragged her from there with him*

my sugars~
It's my first time and I'm soo nervous Idk anything about grammar , spelling mistakes and stuffs , so ignore my mistakes ^^!! if u are loving it let me know if I should complete this or not! I'll only complete it if you guys want me to ~cuz its all for you to enjoy soooo
see you 💙
take care sugars!
If you'all see this remember
I love you'all 💙💙

By your

Insta id -[ theaxamy ]

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