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Hoseok : heyy Beomgyu!  Saw jimin??
Beomgyu : oh...uh um... Yeah he's in the library  ig.
Hobi : oh okay !!
He rushed to library in search of jimin.

As He came running  faster he pushed the door a bit harder making a loud thud voice in the pin-drop silent library.

For a sec everyone looked up at the voice and again went back to their own work.

Hoseok panted hard from running all the way.

He traced his eyes all over the library to find jimin and found him in between two  shelves ....all emerged in a book.

Hobi went towards him and shaked him hard by his shoulders.

Jimin looked at him confused.

Jimin : what happend?  Why are panting so hard??

Hobi : o-One sec let me b-reathe. *he took some fresh air Inhailng and exhaling it. And said "t-ae!  "
Jimin : tae?  What happened to him?

Hobi : h-e... Fighting over there n-ear the main gate with  some random guys.

Jimin : WHAT!!!  And you're here???  Hobi you know if you leave him alone he'll kill those guys for sure....!!!  *jimin said with his eyes wide *(panick mode on)

Hobi : you think I didn't try?
He won't stop unless it's y/n who stops him.

You do remember y/n is not here right?
So the next choice was you.

Jim : holly sht.. He'll kill those guys... Hobiii!!!!  RUN!!!!

Both jimin and hobi  ran from there aiming the main gate!!!

Jimin : don't stop... Just run as fast as you can. Or else they'll be dead.

Hobi : jungkook!! (talking while still running)

Jm : eh?? !! (talking while running)

Hobi : over there... Take him with us too we might need help. !! (he pointed towards jungkook who is so engrossed in flirting )

Jm : rightt!!  !! (talking while  running)

Mean while jungkook pov

Jk : zoe your earrings looks beautiful you know?
Zoe : oh is that so? dad bought them for me when he visited Japan last month.

Jk : oh so pretty!  But do you know what else is  prettier?

Zoe : what?

Jk : you!  You wearing them make it much more beautiful.
Zoe : oh.. Jungkook s-top! *blushing hardd *

Jungkook : you know? You look soo cute while blushin-

Jk : Ahhh ( suddenly someone pulled me by wrist and found hobi hyung and jimin running  holding my hand)

Jk : what happend!!!  Where are you guys taking me ahh I'm busy.. Can't you see.

Jimin : shut up we both saw what's your business was.
So better come with us

Jk : where are you even taking me "

Hobi: tae fighting!

Jk : again?

Hobi : we need to stop him that's why we need your help for.

Jk : whose that poor victim this time

Jim : mark ofc ig?

Jk : nvm then he's a brat he deserves it..

Jim : you want him to get another suspension?
Jk : I'm afraid if we'll get suspension for interfering!

Hobi : how bitchy!

They reached the main gate and found a group of people gathered around in a circle without a sec they all went towards the crowd separating people aside to get in and stop taehyung.

They all gasped in union with they saw taehyung hovering over a guy and mercilessly punching him to death.
The guy had his  face a blood mess ,teethless and swollen.

There were some bruises on taehyungs lips ,as well as on his knuckles maybe from punching the guy? Certainly .

Jimin hobi and jungkook rushed towards him and tried their best to stop him and yet he was still so aggressive.

J hope : WTF?  He isn't even Buldging .

Jk : what do we do?

Jimin : there's only one way to stop him. Maybe I'll regret this later or he'll kill me but never mind I have no choice left.

Jk : what is he doing hyung ?

Jhope : god knows

Jimin moved towards him and tried pulling taehyung for one last time he still didn't stop so he just

Sorry taehyungah that's the only option left to bring you back to reality.

Jk & jhop: *GASP*
Jk : now that was totally unexpected.
Jhope : ikr?

Taehyung glared at jimin and jimin glared at him back.

Taehyung : what the fvck are you doing?  Hit him not me

Jimin : stop behaving so reckless stand up and stop hitting him he'll die.

Taehyung : but-
Jimin : y/n.
Taehyung : (he looked at jimin with wide eyes doubting of she Knows )

Jimin : have you thought what will she do?  When she comes to Know about this?

Taehyung : god she'll eat Me alive( he whisperd)

Jimin : ofcource.

Come let's go get first-aid first

Guys somebody please take him to the hospital as well.

Some guys took the guy and went to hospital .

Y/n's pov:-

@the airport

On call :

Y/n: where are you bish?

Eva : Idk I'm somewhere near a cafe.
Y/n: uff come to the exit area don't u wanna go home
Eva : but where's the exit?
Y/n: are u stupid?  Ask someone and come out.

Eva : oh right ...but can u wait a 10 min more I'll get a coffee cuz  I'm hungry.

Y/n: bitchhhhh comeee outttt I've been standing here for the past one hour waiting for you.

EVA : ahhh don't yell. I'm coming. Wait outside I'll cut the call now.

*call ended *

Y/n: why only chaotic people surrounds my life??? *sigh*

I wonder what tae would be doing now!
I miss him :(

I don't think I can go to college tomorrow either.

I have to go with Eva for confirming her admission card once again.
But then
Eva : bitchhhhhhh!!!
Y/n: aahh?

Eva : over hereee!!!
She came running and gave me  Tight  cuddly huggg.

Y/n: I miisssedd you so much

Eva : meee tooo.. Look at how  hawt and sezzyyy you've become!!!?

Y/n: have you seen the mirror?? You looks breathtaking women. You look sooo different from last time.

Eva : oh comon not as much as you are.

They both broke into laughter.

Y/n: I miss how we both did this when we were young

Eva : trueeee we always praise each other whenever we meet!!

Y/n: off yeah let's go home for now ... Mom's waiting!! 

Eva : can't wait to see her.. Let's goo...


Thank you guys hope you'll love it !! 

Take care
Keep smiling :)
Love you!

By yours
Svgaxtae :)💙

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