I've always loved you more

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Tae : ......
Y/n : .....
Tae: .......
Y/n :...
Tae : *okay.. For how long are you gonna keep glaring at me??
Y/n : humph! *glare *
Tae : c'monn Y/n...it was you who made it isn't it??
Y/n : so?
Tae : so what's with this action ??
Y/n : I made that for you.
Tae : I told you.. Bsf shares everything! *shrugs *
Y/n : but!...
Tae : no buts... Don't even try to get your leg inside the kitchen anymore .
Got it???

Y/n : *glare eyeroll* okayy (she says sasily)

Tae : don't do that to me...youre seducing me again.. Don't even try to turn me on!

Y/n : gosh! Everything turns you on!

Tae : *wink* just you honey...

Y/n : (she makes a eww Face)

Tae : hey! You can't do that... At least I'm trying... To be romantic..

Y/n : *laughs rolling on bed)

Is this how ppl be romantic???
*laughing rolling... *

Tae : what?

Y/n : you're hopeless!

(*wheezing laughing *)

You should seriously watch some kdramas and improve

Tae : *raises his eyebrows * oh?so that's not cringy?

Y/n : at least they act well...

Tae : *pulls her closer and smirks devilishly* so what if I help you recreate you're favorite scene? Spicy huh? The ambience... The bed.....you. you're lips... Everything is just soo perfect.

Y/n : *malfunctioning *

Tae : *moves back and fake coughs *
Miss y/n ! Back to earth!

He snaps... And She came back to her sense..

Y/n : uh?

Tae : *chuckles* you're Sucha darling-

Now go bring me some hot water~~

Y/n : water?? Wait here...

Tae : rushh~

Y/n : getting off!!! (she gets off the bed and helped him sit back straight... She touched his forehead to make sure if he still got fever or not.

Y/n : hmmmmm

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Y/n : hmmmmm....

Tae : what are you doing?
Y/n : me? Oh I'm just doing some swimming moves here don't u see?? *fake smile*

Tae : *eyerolll* you're being so mean . Just go get me some water you btch...

Y/n : going!! *she slaps his chest and runs away *
Tae : ouch!
God is this how she take care of sick ppl?

•••••• Downstairs •••••

Y/n : water... Gosh water! Does He wants hot one? Or the one with a normal temperature.

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