what have you done?

35 3 4

***Next day***
Y/n : evaaaaa fasttt!  We're getting late! 

Eva : comingg!

Y/n: you've been saying the same for the past 20 min! 

Make it fastttt!!!!

Eva : god alrytt wait!
(she came running  down the stairs)
What's wrong with you today?

Why so much hurry?

Y/n : what hurry... Just take a look at the time .

Eva : we're early today!

Y/n : come fast let's go ~

Eva : this girl!

*University *

Y/n : hey hobii!!

Hobi : y/n???
What a surprise so early today!!! This happens once in a blue moon.

Eva :ikrrr! She didn't even let me have my breakfast!

Hobi: oh my why so hurry! 

Eva : ask her?? I've been asking the same !

Y/n : nothing thought to come a bit early today!

Btw where are the others?

Hobi : you mean tae?

Y/n : (blushing) no... Um everyone jimin jk and all..

Hobi : I see... Eva pretend we never saw her blushing!

Eva : yas yas*laughs*

Y/n : guyssss!!!

Hobi : alryt alryt.. Jk will come with jimin.

Tae will come later ig since you're earlier today... They'll be coming later only.

Y/n: oh...

Eva : guys um im hungry!!

Hope : oyy look what you've done y/nahh...shes hungry ! Leave it!  Since We're early today.. Let's go eat smthg from the canteen until their here.

Y/n :  I'm hungry tooo...
Hope : You didn't eat as well didn't you?

Y/n : *nod*

Hobi : aish come let's go grab something to eat then.. I didn't eat as well!

**Time skips **
Jhopes phone :*ring ring*

JHope : Hey jiminahh!
Oh yeah come to the canteen we're here!!
Jk is with you ryt?
Alryt come to canteen.
We're here.

Y/n: who was it hobi?
Jhope : jimin he's here.. JK too.

Y/n: I see...

Jhope : there.. They are!

Heyy jk!! Jimin here!!!

Jk : ey jiminishii over there look hobi hyung!
Jimin : oh yea come.

Jimin : Hey alll! Why are u here in the morning itself?

Eva : we were hungry so why not?

Jk : ohh eva... You could've just told me if you were hungry!

Jimin : *eye roll* so?  You'll cook for her or what?

Jhope : as if he Know something to cook !

Y/n: *laughs* jk don't you think you're being too much Cringy?? 😆!

Jk : *wink* anything for her.

Eva : *facepalm*

Y/n: jimin where's tae??
Jimin : He didn't tell you? 
Y/n: tell me what?

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