Anger issues

59 5 0

Ughhh I'm trying my best not to sleep right now. I can't hold myself too much!
Y/n : hey? How are u able to concentrate? I can barely keep my eyes open!
Tae : hmm..

Y/n : Today I have to go for shopping? Do u wanna tag along?

Tae: hmm..

Y/n : umm yea then we'll go have food from the new restaurant opened last day!

Tae : hmm...

Y/n : *sigh* are u even listening?  What are u writing this intensely? Show meee

Tae: y/n n-no

I grabbed the book from his hand

Y/n : W-wow just wow!!?
Tae?  U didn't tell me uk how to draw this beautifully??
It's amazingg like seriously!!

Tae : do u like it?

Y/n : are u for real? U have drawn me sooo beautifully! But u could have asked me if u need to draw I would have posed myself!  Why did u draw my sleeping figure in class?

Tae : coz u looked cute while u were sleeping  in the last class!

Y/n : * pout *

Professor : that's it for today students , see you next day!

Y/n : finallyy I can sleep!!

Tae : you were sleeping the whole last class ? And now again?

Y/n : hmm.. I laid my head on the table !

Tae : *smiling * and stroked her hair

* Y/n suddenly jolted up *

Tae : what ?

Y/n : Lets go eat smthg!

Tae : all of a sudden?

Y/n : uh ha come let's go ~
She dragged him out of there .

*******At the canteen *******

?: Hey y/n
Y/n : oh hey suzy!

Suzy : can I join you guys if u have no objections?

Y/n : uh yea sur-

Tae : No

Y/n : bu-

Tae : why don't you find seat somewhere else?

Y/n : no tae-

Suzy : No no y/n it's alright, I'll go find somewhere else to sit! 

* She went *

Y/n : what was that for?

Tae : what? I don't like her

Y/n : ufff!  Nobody asked you to go date her!  She just wanted to sit with us!

Tae : still no
Have ur food it's getting  cold I'll wait outside .

Y/n : tae wait -

* Aish he went *

He isn't still ready to talk with others, this boyy *she smiled to herself *

* Time skip *

Y/n : Tae I'll meet you after class wait for me near the library okkay?

Tae : where am I going?

Y/n : we have different classes now!  I got art and it's sports for you!

Tae : I'll come with you

Y/n : dude u have class,
Tae : idc,
Y/n : it's just for 45 min

Tae : that's long

Y/n : are u going or should I slap you on your ass?

Tae : *eyeroll * I'll see you after class stupid

Y/n : move your ass idiot byee ~

* After class *

Teacher : Thank you class, we'll see next week but before that complete your assignments by next week!

Everyone went out including the teacher but suddenly

Jack : Mark, close that door!

Y/n : huh?  Open the door , I have to go!

Mark : not soo fast sweet heart.

Y/n : what are you'all doing?

Baekhyung : every time when I come to talk with you, he never let's me near you!  And when I finally get a chance to meet you in person, why did you expect me to leave you that easily? Huh?

Y/n : Baekyung, Jack... It's not time to play~

Jack : we didn't even begin to play our game baby girl!

But then mark tied my hands behind!

Y/n : are you guys  mad?

Leave me you aaaholes!

Mark : Shut up you scumbag!

Y/n : You son of a bitch how dare you call me a scumbag?

Baekhyung : tie her mouth too

Y/n : Your'all stop wasting your time go ask your fathers to book an appointment with the doctor!

Jack : what? We're fine

Y/n : Not after tae's special consulting!

*The door broke down *
Mark : wtf was that?
Y/n : It's your end honey

Taeeee help meee they are hurting me!!

Jack : you lier! We didn't even do anyth-
A hard punch landed on his face and that knocked him out!

Tae: how dare u touch her jerks?

Mark : t-tae nothing happen-
Another punch kick etc etc etc

*After 15 min of consulting *

Principal : take those bodies to hospital,

Tae I have told you to never fight inside the campus! As there was a valid reason I'm leaving you today!

Y/n : thank you sir !
Taee come With me noww!

Tae: where are u dragging me to?

Y/n : To the medical room!look at yourself ur hands are bleeding.

Tae: oh yeah

**Treating the wound **

Y/n : is it paining?

Tae : I'm feeling sleepy?  Are you gonna make it faster or should we stay here tonight?

Y/n : *eyeroll* wait I'll show you, she pressed harder on the wound

Tae : ouch wth gurl

Y/n : for fun baby boy , I'm done let's go home now

* At the door step *

Tae : u said you wanted to go shopping and eat at the restaurant? 
Y/n : yeah but it's fine let's go some other day, you take rest and put medicine again on the wound

Tae : *nodded*

Y/n : anyways come inside, Lets eat food from here.

Tae: no it's all right I'll come some other day. 

Y/n : mom is gonna be sad

Tae : don't tell her,

Tae : see you then , come early tomorrow!

Y/n : yes, bye take care

Tae : you too


Part 3 of this series

I hope you enjoyed ◐.̃◐

I love you 💙

By your
Svgaxtae :)

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