part 15

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**Next morning **

Tae : you sure that's all you need??
Y/n *mhm*nodding*

Tae: you sure you won't make me go buy anything else again??

Y/n : yeahhh tae!

Tae : *sigh* one last time.. Are you su-

Y/n : YAAS!!!!! Now will you take the bike please??start driving Man.

Tae : yes now blame it all on me.

Weren't you the one who said you wants to buy something from the store?
So you were supposed to make a list before leaving.
And when we are finally there. What did you do?? Huh?  You made me stop at every single shop cuz you forgot to buy  something or the other everytime you enter a shop.
You could've bought them all together!!!! 

Y/n : ash don't yell..lets leave
I got everything I need . It's not my fault that I have a fish memory.

Tae : of course it's mine. It's all my fault that I agreed to drive you to the store. I regret

Y/n : oc'moonnnn don't sulk like a babyyyy

Drive fast we are late for classes

Tae : finally mam realised it now!?

Y/n : you're being soo talkative lately.

Tae : *raising his eyebrows* oh really?? He starts moving close to her..
Y/n : *gulp* certainly not I was just kidding... Let's go taee...

Tae : you better be. Now hop on.

Y/n : yess sirr ...

After 10 min...
Still driving...

Y/n : she slowly poked taehyung's shoulders...

Tae : what happend??

Y/n : tae....promise me you won't get made at me

Tae : eh?

Y/n : you know you're important for me right??

Tae : -----
Are u gonna come  to the point.

Y/n : tae i-i think i-forgot-

Tae : nO GoD oH pLeASe...

Y/n : I forgot something...
Tae : _______________


Author's 📝 :
Guys I would like to  inform you about  Y/n's  certain 💀 death. Which was found out to be brutal and torturing according to the forensic report.
And I'm so excited and honored to welcome you all for her grand funeral sponsored  and conducted by @svgaxtae.


Time skips...

****Time skips***

Jimin : why are u guys soo late?? 2nd session is already over.

Tae gave a death glare to y/n
And she gave a nervous laugh in return.

Y/n :haha!  That's nothing.

Y/n : BTW guysss I have something to tell you alll !! My cousin also my bestie is coming back here to continue her studies here.

Hobi : who??
Y/n : Eva. You've heard?
Jimim : I thought your only friend was tae.
Y/n : why am I limited??

Jimin: *rolleyes* didn't know she also had enough strength and capability to tolerate you.

Y/n : ughh!!!! Okayyy take a deep breathe and cool down she said to herself .

Let's not fight huh??
She'll come tomorrow morning and I've arranged everything.

Hobi : tae you knew she coming.

Tae : *nod* she told me that yesterday.

Hobi : oohh...

Y/n : sooo I'll be on leave tomorrow and I want you to take care of taehyung .

Jimin : mom mode on.
Tae : *eyeroll*

Hobi : sure mam

Y/n : you're all teasing me. You know what this numbhead did last time I look a day off last month??

He almost killed a gang of people cuz they were gathered around his bike and 🚬 smoking.
You know??

Jimin : woah cool bro.

Y/n : who am I complaing to??  Best friend like bestfriend *eye roll*

Hobi : whtt? Is that why he got a week suspension?

Y/n : of course *i said glaring at tae * who smirked back at Me.


Ik this is kinda too short.
This might be the shortest part I've ever written .
I'll make it longer on the coming days.

Take care all ♡

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