baby sit part 2

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Tae: Y/nnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
Y/n's pov
I jolted up from my sleep, traumatised by the situation!!
Whattttt???? Is the house on fire?  Is it a tsunami? Or did u die?
Tae : tf bitch ? How the hell can you sleep like a panda? When she's (dahlia) is crying her lungs out?
Y/n : oh? That's it! Uff I had a terrible imagination!
I'll make her calm down give her to me!

Babyyyyy, aish stop crying sweet heart look at me,, here, here look at Me darling!
*She stared at me  with her red puffy eyes*
Y/n : Aigoooo~ is my baby hungry? Hmm?
Dahlia stared at me, not knowing what to answer !

I chucked at her innocent behaviour!!
Let's go have some bubu yeah?

Tae : Y/n it's not the time to play! Feed her some food! She's hungry!!

Y/n : I stared at him in a done look :|
* in mind " Are u serious !!!?*
Y/n : I scoffed * dumbs dont get my language,!  I'll explain later to that idiot! Not rn at least!

We fed her some cerelacs and now she's back again with her energetic mood *

Aaaoiighhdvjkhckz ooue *dahlia cooed at tae who was using his phone. She seems like she been trying to gain his attention. But he didnt notice. I didn't bother to call him either. I was curious to know what was she gonna do. She was in my arms just beside tae on the couch. She stood on my lap with my balance. And started pulling out his T-shirt.
I found it really adorable, just see how she wanted to gain his attention>•<!!

Tae turned around and looked at me and found dahlia staring at him with her big doe eyes hoping he would take her in his arms. He giggled at her adorable behaviour and took her in his arms.
She played, giggled, wiggled and cuddled in his arms.

I adored every single moment of both of them.
The way he laughed! The way he pets her, the way how he took care of her made me feel something for him.
Maybe cuz I've never seen him like that before?
He is cold towards everyone, except me. He ignores everyone's presence around him if I'm with him. Yes, I'know all these. I can feel it through his eyes. He is an introvert. People may say he is rude,cold hearted , arrogant .
But no one never knows . Apparently they never found the child in his behavior. He wasn't born cold. It's just the world and the situations he grew up made him cold. He just needs someone to hold back him when he's down, someone who cares for his true feelings, someone who can love him for who he is.

Y/n's pov:continue~

I have no idea for how long, I've been dreaming . I heared no voice beside me. I found taehyung sleeping peacefully with dahlia in his arms, the soft comfy material of his
T-shirt made her much more comfortable to have a nice slumber in his arms. She laided her tiny head on his chest. He have wrapped his arms securely around her.
For some reason I found my tears trickling down my cheeks. I was soo happy to see him like that with her. I owe dahlia alot for revealing this side of tae which turned out to be my favorite. I smiled like an idiot, with no other things I just hugged both of them anf dont remember when I dozed off to my dreamland.

****Time skips ****@10pm

Aira : Thank you soo much y/n and taehyung for taking care of this naughty girl. She said tickling dahlia who was in her arms.

Y/n : Its us who enjoyed her company. She is an adorable little kitten. *pats her head*

Taehyung : *went towards her and kissed her on cheeks * bye my princess. I'll miss you. He gave her, her favorite doll.

She giggled at him for which he patted her hair.

Y/n's pov
I know how much he don't want her to go back.

Then soon we bid our good byes with aira and came back inside .

Tae : y/n I'll get going then. Mom might be worried, she won't even have her dinner.

Y'n : I nod my head knowing his mother well.

I went out to say goodbye to him as well .

Y/n : soo you enjoyed too much today! Huh?

Tae: hmm... I love her, she's cute innocent and adorable!!

Y/n : ahhhhh uk tae. Someone in the morning said, he dk how to take care of kids. They are annoying and much much more .

Tae: stop right there. Let's forget about it!

Y/n : oKaY *giggles *

Tae :  okay then. See ya at school
*He came towards me and kissed my forehead * yah it's a usual thing he does that everytime. And every single time, I feel a whole set of zoo inside my stomach.

*i blushed againn*

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*i blushed againn*

Y/n : y-yea.... Cya
* ugh shit I stuttered * seems like he didn't notice uff thank god!!!
Take care tae

Tae : bye, take care !

He went back to his home!!

Hey guys

I hope you'all gonna remember dahlia 💖

Baby sit 2 episode came to an end.

Hope you'all enjoyed!!!
Take care
I love youu💕

By you're

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