
45 3 0

?: y/n
Y/n : .....
?: y/n !!!!
Y/n : Hmm...
?: you little brat wake up!!!!!

Y/n's pov

Mummmmyyyyy!!  Tsunaamiiiii!!!!!!

I woke up feeling a load bucket of water all over me, my bed, my blanket, my pillows and everywhere!!!

I looked up only to find my  mom smiling with a mischievous smirk on her face.

Y/n : Wth moommmm!!!

Mom: watch ur language sweet heart or you'll have to bare a sweet surprise by my pink chappals.

Y/n : *gulp* you terror in the morning!  You're being soooo mean mommm!!

Mom: ik baby!  So better don't make me do this every day! Now go get ready and come downstairs within an hour for breakfast. Got that?

Y/n : yes mam *dramatic salute *
Mom : *chucked* brat she whispered

********Time skips **********
At university

Y/n : where's that asshole??
He didn't even bothered to pick me up today??!!
I'm gonna sue him !

Huh?  What's he doing there??
Who's he talking to?

Y/n : tae?

Tae : uh-ah!  Okay then I'll text you later. Bye

?: sure make it fast

Tae:* nod*

Y/n : where were you?  Why didn't you come to pick me  this morning? And who's that guy? Seems he's not from here!?

Tae : uh srry I had some works. I was busy I couldn't even text you. Srry!
Y/n : mmhm, he?

Tae : ah he's my friend.

Y/n : raised eyebrow* I've never seen him? Are u hiding something taehyung? Are u lying?

Tae : no. What? Why would I lie?

Y/n : mhm. Nvm let's go to class?
Come let's go!

Tae : ye !!

Time skip ***
At class :

Y/n : it's again so boring! Everyday I'm coming to sleep in this class I guess.

Tae : truth.

Y/n : ooh don't show me that nerd attitude of urs. Ik maybe ur good at studying but_

Tae : but? *smirk*

Y/n : uughhh nothing 

Professor : so all I'll distribute, ur last exam's answer sheet.

Y/n : whattt?  Why this soon?  Aishhhh I'll probably get kicked out from home today .
Tae: why?
Y/n : I didn't study anything for the last exam. And I'm sure I'll probably fail.

Tae : how's that? Didn't I teach you for last time?

Y'n : uh- ah I'm gonna score low Anyways.

Professor : y/n ?

Y/n : yes sir?

Professor : congrats, for ur improvence. You've scored well this time!

Y/n : uh?

Professor : u got a 94

Y/n : t-hank you s-sir

Y/n : taeeeeeee!!!!!  I got a 94!!!!!!!!! I didn't even study and I got 94 ?????? Omggggg am I a genius???? I can't believe my eyes!  Is this really my sheet?

Tae : will u stop that drama?

Y/n : stop?  Me really I didn't even study and i got this !!!

Tae : shut up before I make u do It myself !
Y/n : yayyy I got-
Tae : *smirk* really?  U didn't study?  Ik wht ur doing!  I was the one who taught you?  And ur drama won't work with me so better keep it with you baby girl!

Y/n : nvm,  still I scored this without even studying.
Tae : somebody plz kill me-

Professor : taehyung?

Congrats as usual ur the topper !
He scored 100!!

Tae : ahem!

Y/n : uh-ah same thing just 6 point difference !

Tae : *smirk* no no babe u got  a 94 cuz that's all u can get.
And I got a 100 cuz that's all there was to get!

Y/n : scoff * I knew it, I Knew it!!!  It was you who taught me that's all I will get .

Tae : what a brat? Seriously?? I GoT A 94 I diDn'T eVeN StUdY " !! Who said this?  ( he imitated her lines to tease her) * laughing *

Y/n : uh okay okay let's leave that topic?
Let's go to canteen?

Tae : *nod*

At the canteen

Y/n : what are u having?

Tae : uh coffee with a grilled sandwich 

Y/n : alright I'll go order it then. You wait here!!
Tae : mmhm come fast *

?: hey taehyung!

Heyy sorry so sorry but
I'll be posting fast from now
Sooo take care!!!
I love u!

By your

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