Miss you!

30 2 0

@Sick room

Tae : ah!  Ouch.
You can slow down it hurts.

Jimin : oh wow. Really?  (jimin said pressing hard over the wound with a cotton dipped in an antiseptic solution.

It hurts? ...*pressing* really?? *pressing * I din't know ..

Tae : jiminnnn!!  That's a wound....

Jimin : hey I thought it's a pudding.
Tae: *eyeroll* why are u being sarcastic??

Jimin : why in the hell was that fight for?

Tae : u'mmm...

Jimin: are u mad huh? Can't you live without fighting??? At least for a day.

Tae : you can't say that!! I didn't fight for last 4 days!! 
Jimin: of course cuz y/n knows how to tie you up.

Tae : ------------
Jimin:* glare*

Tae : ------------
Okay okay... Now will you please stop giving me death glares like that? *eyeroll*

Hobi (getting inside the sick room just now)
Hobi : hey you okay now?
Tae : I was never sick from start!
Hobi : boy you were bleeding so bad!
Tae : not too much.. Just some cut on my forehead and elbow and some more bleeding knuckles that's all ..

Hobi : oh boy!

Jimin : ikr?

Hobi : why did u even fought for?

Tae : that jerk.. Challenged me in basketball! And u think I'll back off? Of coz I played. I won.
But then at the last moment that mfk decided to drop his cheap tricks to win. And made a foul play.

And started to brag about it.
Intentionaly tried to trigger me with his reckless act.

I couldn't keep up with his act so I reacted and end up breaking his jaw.. And some his friend's hands and legs too.

Jk : no wonder.. The  whole university bringing it up.

Jimin : wdym?

Jk : everyone have been trying to dig  this topic as much they can to create another drama in front of the principal.

Hobi : they are??

Jk : A-haa!!

Jimin : see tae!  Another suspension... Y/n will end you.

Tae : *eyeroll* she won't be coming for 2 days I'll handle it by then. I'll make sure no baby here brings this topic up.

Jimin : *sigh* brat.

Tae : are you done with this first-aid sht?

Jimin : already. Move your ass now. Let's go.

Jk : gotta go classes going on. Will meet you guys later at the canteen.

Hobi : bye!!

*Time skips *
At the canteen :

Jk : guyss gotta tell you smthgg.

Jimin : need another 🌽 ice-cream?
Jk : shut up. It's not that.

Hobi : what is it kookie?

Jk : taehyung??

Tae : listening...

Jk : okkayy soo.. A few days back.

I got an unknown request from a random person through snapchat.

And I admitted it.

And 2 days ago
I got a text too.. Saying :
?: hey miss me baby!!
I'm sure you did.. Sorry for an unexpected vanishing.
I promise I didn't mean to do that.
But I had to go.
Now I'm busy see you later !

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