Part 1

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Jungkook : why are we the only one to come first , sitting like a corpse waiting for them to show up?

JHope : well, nobody forced you to sit and pretend like a corpse.

Jimin : what are you saying hyung? He don't even have to pretend . He've always been a living corpse

Jhope and jimin :*laughing*

Jungkook : hahha very funny *annoyed face*

Jungkook : comon... Tell Me Aren't they on your same class?? What are they doing??

Jhope : I thought y/n must be with you jimin. Where did she leave? Eva said she'll be coming late since she have some notes to complete.

Jimin : IDK... She said she was going to library. And it's interval now I don't see her around.

Jungkook : is she asleep there?

Jimin : there's a chance... Should we go check on her??

Jhope : y/n and library. I thought that girl didn't even knew that place existed.

Jimin : I know right...

Jungkook : Hey!!!! Guys isn't that tae?? Coming over there???

Jimin : taehyung ? No way... But that's him

Jhope : that's y/n with him.

Y/n: hey boys *she said in her sassy tone*!!

Jimin ignored went passing her while she pouted in tiny!

Jimin : what the -

Taehyung are u okay? How's ur fever now.. Why didn't u text me?

Tae : calm down. Do I look sick?

Jimin : you certainly was sick,atleast that's how your mom explained.

Taehyung : definitely dramatic she must've been.

Jk : hyung! Why are u here?

Tae : you expect me to sit at home alone doing nothing just stare at my bedroom wall from morning to night ?

Hobi : that must've been so hard.

Y/n: it's not that hard. You could've just hanged some beautiful picture of mine. And stare at them whole day.

Jimin : I'd rather stare at the plain wall better . *he said making faces *

And y/n gave him a dramatic glare.

Tae * smiled I'd love that * he whisperd in her ears.

Jk : what the hell did he just whisperd for her to turn into a tomato out of nowhere "?

Jimin : no idea.

Y/n : gosh! Where's my girl?

Hobi : class. Completing notes.

Jimin : I see, at least she's responsible unlike this mad women who yell at class for some stupid reasons.

Y/n: omy ,look whose talking the tiny little scumbag!
She says with her sassy smile.

Jimin : what are you then? A beaver?

Y'n : no even braver.

Jk " he hissed in tolerance"

And y/n gave him a weird look . What?

Jk : what?

Y/n : nvm...

Hobi : btw tae why were you coming from the library? Since when were you here?

Tae : the period before the interval. I found you none ,thought you might be at class. So I decided to visit the library.

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