Your anger hurts me..

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Tae : aish!! Where's this gurl gone?
I've been standing here for an hour or so..
Hobi: is she stuck on a traffic block?
Jimin: I don't think so hyung.
Tae : her phone is out of signal!
This stupid girl.
Hobi : she'll come tae dont worry ...
Tae : you guys can go to class I'll come with her.
Jimin: no it's okay
Tae : it's almost time for class
You both go I'll come
Hobi : okay then.. Let's go jimin

*They left*
Tae : I'll kill her.
*After 15 min... *

My leg ain't gonna wait anymore. I swear I won't talk to her.
He turned around and left.

Y/n : *gasping for air*(breathing heavily)  o-OMG hel-p I-i can't bre-athe

Where's he?  Probably mad at Me for being late cuz he already told  me that he'll come to pick me up and insisted him to not to. Cuz I need to go to some other places and buy some gifts for eva. As she's coming back here I need to do a lot of arrangements.

I came running here.

I saw him standing there in front of the gate waiting for Me.
Before I could reach him, he went in

I sighed and Run in to catch up with him.

Y/n : taeee.... I yell as I jumped on his back... (just like a piggy ride)  thankfully he caught me on time and goddess I didn't end up in the ground.

Y/n : woww taehyungahh you caught me well without even turning back.

Tae : you panda.. Get off me.

Y/n : ooh. Yup he's mad at me  I sighed.

C'monnnnn just carry me like that.

Tae : if you don't get down by your self right now. I'll throw you down by myself.

Y/n : *gulp* okayy okay chill.

I got down silently and turned around to pick my bag which of course fell somewhere in the urgency for climbing up on him. I saw him picking  up his bag as well and just left me there alone.

Y/n : wht the fvck was that?

Eyyyy idiot wait....

Tae : I went  Inside the class and saw hobi and jimin already on their places .

I sat near Jimin and he looked up at me in confusion.
He raised his brows and said :"what's up with you? "

Tae : what?

Jimin: what.what? Don't u wanna sit with y/n today?

Tae : *why don't u like sitting next to me *he said raising his one brows.

Jimin : you know what! Never mind.

Tae : *chuckle* is my bsf annoyed.

Jimin : omgg dude did you hit your head somewhere else?

Tae : *sigh* stop jimin.

Jimin : bu-

Y/n : KIM TAaeHYUNG......
How dare you sit with that chipmunk??

Jimin: excuse me? how dare you call me a chipmunk?

Y/n : just like this "chipmunk"

Jimin : * glare* you lil piece of shit.

Tae : Stoppp*groaning*
Y/n ! Will you go sit somewhere? And stop annoying us.

I glared at Jimin who was smirking at me now *

Jimin : you heard him?
Just go sit with hobi.

Y/n : *asshole I whispered *

Y/n : oppaaaa seeee?? !!!

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