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Y/n : taeee how long are we gonna do this???

Tae : until it's done

Y/n : but there's alot
Tae : stop talking first...and do the work.
You haven't written a single word than sitting simply with some non stop blabbering for the past hour!

Y/n : *pout*taeeeee !! Do I really have to write???

Tae : *glare*

Y/n : *gulp*o-of c-course I'll w-write!!  Or who else will !

Tae: *sigh*

*******After 5 min*******
Tae : y/n...!!pass me the index page..!!


What are you doin-

What? How could she sleep within minutes? She just whinned ??? Aish this dummy.....

Tae : y/nnnn ....wake up stupid!!
Y/nahhh wake upppp
This Panda won't go easy... Aish !!!!! Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnnn I yelled near her ears!!!!!!

Y/n : Aaarrghhhhhhhhh!!!!!! What's wrong???? Sorry professor!!!!

Tae : tf was that!??? *laughing out of his ass*

Y/n : the hell tae??  My chest almost exploded!!!!!!!

Tae : why did I bring you here?

Y/n : to complete ur project?

Tae : good u know that?

Tae : and what was u supposed to do?

You all did was sleeping like a panda!!!

Y/n : taeee!!  Srry...i was tired after class!!  And.. You know .. I-i~

Tae : sigh*go wash ur face and COME BACK RIGHT HERE TO HELP ME!!

Y/n : yes sir!!!!
Y/n's pov
I washed up!  And thought to bring some snacks from kitchen... He have been working for hours so he might be hungry.
I only found some cherry and strawberries !!!

Tae : did you really, sleep in the washroom!?

Y/n : uff ...oh I just went to get something for you to eat!

Tae looked up from his book.
He was comfortably sitting on the couch reading his notes.

I sat beside ,hugged him and laid my head on his shoulder.

Y/n : is there a lot to do ?

Tae : hm a little more !

Y/n : Hmmm

Tae : what are u doing??

Y/n : what? I'm just watching you!

Tae : oh?

Y/n : hm...
Tae : move back it's tickling.....
Y/n ...what?
She moved closer near him.

Tae starts blushing and flaming in red.

Y/n : laughing and rolling on the couch!!  OomYyyyy what am I seeing? The great cold ass kim taehyung is blushing??  Omyygod I'm blessed!!

He looked down feeling shy.

She chuckled and laid her head on his lap while he continued to read.

She took the bowl of fruits and filled her mouth.

Taehyung give her a narrow eye look and said :
Tae : for whom did u bring the fruits for?

Y/n : hehe sry ...and she starts feeding him while he did his business. He loved that moment. He always wanted to spend his every seconds with her. He wants all his memory to be fulfilled with her presence.

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