jealousy 2

58 4 0

: ? Hey taehyung !!

Tae : hey erica.

Erica : You alone here? I mean can I sit here?

Tae : uh sure.

Erica : Thank you!
So, how have you been?
How's ur project preparation going?

Tae : I didnt even touch them.
Well, have to make it faster.

Erica : I can help if you don't mind?

Tae : no it's okay

Erica : no no don't think I have any issues with helping you. I'll be more glad If I can help you.

Tae : thanks

Y/n's pov

I was waiting for our order to arrive. That's when I notice taehyung talking to that girl again? IK her it's that Erica!
Why do he have to talk to her?
What are they talking about?

: here's ur order!

Y/n : oh thank you!

I went near them and placed the food on the table.

I saw Erica staring at me.

Y/n : what?

Erica: uh?

Y/n : what are u doing here?

Erica : I'm here to have to talk with him? What are u doing?

Y/n : tae?

Tae: she just wanted to help me with my project!

Y/n : oh. Anyways let's go home it's time already .Take the food !

Erica : y/n srry but he's coming with me!

Y/n : why?

Erica : I have to help him with his project since I'm his project partner.

Y/n : oh. *frown*

Tae : No

Tae : Erica! maybe some other time . Ill have to go with y/n

Come y/n-ah Lets go !

He went out grabbing her hand.

Y/n : tae.... Tae it's o-okay!!! U go complete ur work with her !

Tae : I ain't going.

Y/n : why? U should go-

Tae : are u going to shut up or should I throw you out while the ride?

Y/n : *gulp*o-ok srry

At Tae's home

Y'n : why are we here?
U were supposed to drop me at home?

Tae : uff stop talking will you?
And come in!

Y/n : nobody's home?

Tae : trip!

Y/n : they are busy always just like my parents.

Tae : go fresh up if u want. Wash ur face then we'll complete my project.

Y/n : huh? Why would I do help u do ur project?

Tae : of course you will help Me, other wise who will?

Y/n : why would I?

Tae : you didn't let me work with Erica? And someone said they'll help me. And that dumbass was you as far as I remember!

Y/n : I didn't mean that! It all came in a flow

Tae : as If I care?

U will help me.

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