love is in the air~

43 1 2

Next day at university!!!

Jk : so you telling.. Her friend will be here with us.. Among us.. Till we graduate?

Jimin : so.. That states how deaf you've become!

Hobi : don't start you two.

Jimin: *eyeroll*

Hobi :*hits him in the stomach*
Jimin : *ouchhh* hobiiii

Jk : taehyungie.. Is she pretty..
Is she girl friend type?

Jimin : see.. He won't change. Maybe we should handle him before he himself show his drooling side to Eva.

Hobi : * laughing *

Tae : *done face *

Hobi : they'll come now?

Tae : ani.. Past the afternoon!

Jimin : maybe we should go back to class now. It's pretty late.

Kook move your ass.. He kicked JK on his ass insisting him to go back to his lectures.

         ____Time skips____

Taehyung's pov : I've been waiting in the canteen for jimin to bring me my coffee. As I was completing some work as part of the assignment !

?:  *places the coffee on the table *

Tae : thanks * i said my eyes still focused on the laptop *

When I was about to take it.. It was nowhere to be found.

So I groaned

Tae : let's not play jiminahh I've a lot to compelete.

?: ______

Tae : jimi- huh?  Where's he?
Who bought the coffee.

Then I sensed someone covering my eyes with the softest hands!!! 

I could smell that familiar fragrance. The one I'm obsessed with!  It's her!

She was behind me.. Covering my eyes with a playful smile.

Tae : y/n-ah!! 

I turned around only to find her throwing herself on my arms which I caught back right away.

She hugged me tight... Which surely states how much she missed me just like I did.

Y/n: taeeeee!!!!  *squeezing him*

Tae : womenn stoppp you're suffocating me!!! (*unstable breathing *)

Y/n : noooo~ let Me show you how much I missed you????

Tae : alrytt but calm down and climb down from my body!!!  Or at least stop squeezing me with that Kola huggg!!!! 

*on the other side *

> Eva : dammit!  Is this a normal thing ??

> J hope : trust Me.. This is nothing compared to what happened last time.

Jimin : last time she literally jumped upon him that both landed on the ground!!  She didn't let him go.. Not after at least 25 min!!

Eva : jeez...

Jimin : wait who ARE You???

Author's pov:

( all this time they have been watching y/n suffocating tae with wide eyes especially Eva cuz she has no idea this is such a normal thing between them. Now that she witness it.. We'll see how she's gonna get used to it! the shock they also forgot to notice each other! Which is the reason  behind this chaos)

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