A glitch night

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What's plan for today?

Y/n : Hangout?

Tae : let's have a movie hangout!

Y/n : that's sounds cool

Tae : 9"0 at my house I'll come pick you! 

Y/n : nice I'll be there

****Time skipps ***

Y/n : wher's everyone?
Tae: didn't I tell you?  There's a meeting in London? 

Y/n : where My dad went?

Tae : * nodded*

Y/n : ooohhh!! Nicee!
So what are we watching?
U have any suggestions?

Tae : let's play the movie which released recently!

Y/n : which one? 

Tae : the super horror thriller title winner?

Y/n : you kidding me?  Seriously?

Tae : no!  The review said it was a whole dope !

Y/n : nah let's watch something else! 

Tae : no! I've already downloaded it!  So let's go watch! 
Y/n : N-o it's isn't that good!
Tae : huh? I never heared that! 

Tae : wait!  Don't tell your scared! 

Y/n : M-e and S-cared!  *fake scof* I'm not !

Tae : * laughing * you are definitely scared!

Y/n : Shut up!  I'm not at all scared!

Tae : sure sure * laughing *

Y/n : SToOp LAuGhing!!!!

Tae : *trying his ultra best not to laugh *

Y/n : OkAy!  lEtS wAtCh!!

Tae : oh yeah? U aren't scared? *laughing*

Y/n : laugh again ! Then u and ur useless and will be out!

Tae : okay mam!  I'll play the movie!  Go bring snacks From kitchen!! 

Y/n : Y-yeah

****Time skips ****

Y/n *trying her best not to get scared! 

Tae : *he noticed her*but pretended never to notice her existence!

And then a loud spooky background music as if they they'll reveal the ghost face under the bath tub!

Y/n's pov

OMFG omgggg I can't watch!  The music isn't helping either!! I'll get a heart attack!  My heart goes boom boom whenever I'm scared!  I moved close to tae!  And cluched tight onto his T-shirt with my fist!  Bruhhh someone send helpppp!! 
C'monn y/n u can do it!  U shouldn't get Scared!  Ahhh I can't help myself

Tae's pov

I really wanna laugh rn!!  God I noticed, how she moved close to me! Ik she hates horror movie from the start! I just wanted to tease her!

Tae : y/n you alryt?  Need smthg?

Y/n : u-uh yuh o-of c-course I'm o-okay!!!

Tae : hmm

**Seconds later **

Y/n : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!* screamingg *

Tae : WHAT'S  WRONG???

Y/n : the Ghoooooossttttt!!!!

Tae : dummy it's a horror movie isn't that obvious??

Y/n : sToOoOoOoOpPpP!!!! It's Scary!!

Tae : What?  Nooo she's kindaa adorable!!

Y/n : WTF!!!! You asswhole go marryyyy or whatever!!!!! But Now firstttttt Stopppp that I can't anymore!!!

Tae : ok-ay oka-y s-top screaming!!! *laughing his asss offf*

I can't believe you was scared of a cuteeee ghosttt!!!

Y/n : are u dumbbb???  Seriously??  Cuteeee????  That bitch looks like she got hit by a metro!

Tae : did u just called her bitch ?
Omggg she'll visit u in ur sleep *evil laugh *


Tae : fineeee stopppp yellinggg!!!

She got up and went to kitchen!

Tae : where you going? 
Y/n : can't u see? Since when did u became a blind?

Tae : ouch! She's dangerous when she is angry!!

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