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005. sunshine

Annabelle's feet hurried up the walkway to the stairs, her fingers twisting the necklaces around her neck to calm her nerves. She wasn't one for social events, even if she was nice to everyone.

"Stupid party." She muttered to herself. "Stupid Steve. Stupid cube he stole." Her hand lifted, knocking on the door. Not a moment later it opened, Steve standing in the doorway.

"Hello, Sunshine."

She raised a brow at another new nickname. In response, Steve dropped his shoulders, a frown on his face. "Yeah that was a bit weird." He shook his head anyways, moving aside for her to walk in.

"Carol and Tommy are by the pool. Nancy and her friend aren't here yet." He smiled down to her as she looked around the house, reminiscing on the times spent here. "Where's Liam?"

Her focus was still on the house as she absentmindedly took of her jacket, handing it to him as she came face to face with the boy. "He said he didn't want to go to some stupid party. Then proceed to convince himself to come for me anyway. Then I asked him to drop me off."

Steve nodded back in understanding. "I also said that he didn't have to pick me up because I was going to stay over." A cheeky smile lit up her face, looking to Steve with puppy dog eyes. "How could I say no." He sighed.

Annabelle followed behind the Harrington boy to the kitchen, looking around while he grabbed a fresh cold beer for the girl, passing it to her. She was, however, focused on something else.

"You kept it." Her smile bright, accepting the can with a 'thank you' and opening it. "Oh. Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Forgot it was there."

Annabelle didn't question his awkwardness nor why he didn't remember a picture she drew five years ago that had been in the same spot of the fridge since then. "I'll make a new one soon, add to the collection under your bed." She teased him, walking past towards the stairs.

"Yeah..." He let out a sigh before quickly catching up with her. "Where are you running off to now, Lewis?"

From halfway up the stairs, she looked back down to him with a sneaky smile, quickly turning back to run up the stairs. "Race you."

"You're so on, Lewis." He grabbed the railing, rushing up the steps, careful not to trip and embarrass himself. Just as he came to the top, the boy grabbed the blonde by her waist, lifting her of the floor and stepping up to the last step.

"I win." He smiled over the sound of her laughter.

"Of course, my king." She smirked, bowing her head slightly to him, careful not to drop the can. When her eyes meet his, she rolled her own, walking dover to his door, not bothering to ask before she stepped in.

"I like what you've done to the space." Annabelle sat at the edge of his bed, looking around at the checked walls with random things, some posters. "This one is great." She pointed to the woman in the bikini.

Steve chuckled nervously, speeding over to stand in front of it. "Yeah... It is."

Annabelle stood up, placing the beer on the side, walking over to his desk and picking up random things. The boy following her, standing closely to her right.

"I was going to steal this once." She showed him this set of fancy sketching pencils. "Never knew why you had them to begin with, but somehow never got the chance to take them."

Steve had actually brought them for her birthday. But before the day rolled around, the two weren't as close. Yet, he still kept them, never using it.

"Rubik cube." She sighed, holding up the toy. "I knew you stole it, Ste." His heart stopped for a moment at the old nickname. "Yep. Kept it in perfect condition."

She raised her brows to him as she noticed the outside was completely worn away. "Perfect condition, huh?" The girl dropped it back to the desk, walking away to grab her drink, the boy mindlessly following her behind. Like a puppy.

"I guess we should go down. Think your friends might miss you." He rolled his eyes at her playfully, watching as she wondered to the entrance of his room, looking down the hall. "I can take the guest room right?" Her big brown eyes looked up to him.

"The usual. I think there's some of your old stuff there too... but I guess your not thirteen anymore." Annabelle let out a chuckle, ducking around Steve and grabbing a sweater from his draw that she knew he owned and was extremely comfy.

"If you're still awake and all your little friends left the Steve Harrington alone, feel free to blast Elton John in the house." A perfect smile placed on her lips as she walked away and into the guest room. If as on cue, the doorbell rang and Steve hurried down the steps, greeting the new arrivals.

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