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037. bitchin' babysitters

Minutes after the distant growls, the group from outside rushed in. Jonathan placed Will in his room and a few of the kids went to watch from the window.

"Hey. Hey, get away from the windows!" Hopper shouted as he walked into the room. Immediately, everyone rushed back. "Do you know how to use this?" Hopper called to Jonathan, handing a shotgun out to him.


"Can you use this?" Hopper persisted again.

"We can." Nancy stepped forward, taking the two shotguns and passing one to Annie. The two girls shared a look and shrugged. They each checked the ammunition and pulled the safety off.

The kids stood behind the teens. Steve had his bat. Hopper, Annie and Nancy held a shotgun each. Lucas had his sling shot and Mike a trophy held high.

Annabelle raised the gun to the window, scanning the glass panel. They could hear the creatures, but could not see them.

"Where are they?"

A sudden loud thud made the group jump, turning to the door. "What are they doing?" Nancy muttered.

They each prepared themselves as the sound got closer. Annie shuffled back slightly, moving Dustin, Lucas and Max further away, making sure they were behind her and Steve.

The screeching suddenly stopped and it confused all, something flew through the window. As the glass shattered, everyone screamed and jumped back.

Annie's finger hovered over the trigger as she pointed at the demo-dog that lied motionless. She really just wanted to shot at it on repeat. Payback.

The group stepped closer towards it. "Is it. . dead?" Annie asked as Hopper pushed it with his boot.

The door screeched behind them and each of them slowly turned back. It confused them all as the lock clicked open and the metal chain opened on its own. Each raised there weapons once more. Before they could shoot, a certain little witch stepped into the door.

Mike stepped forward when he realised who was there. "Eleven."
"Mike." The two hugged, holding on for dear life.

Annie saw Steve defensive and she pushed down the bat, giving the boy a small smile. "That's El."

"I never gave up on you." Mike spoke after he pulled back, "I called you every night. Every night for-"

"353 days." Tears stung there eyes. "I heard."

Mike's face dropped, "Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?"

"Because I wouldn't let her." They turned to Hoppers voice. "The hell is this? Where you been?"

"Where you been?" She shot back and Hopper immediately pulled her into a hug. "You've been hiding her." Mike realised. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" He yelled, shoving Jim. He was quick to stop the boy, "Hey. Let's talk. Alone."

Once the two left, Dustin and Lucas immediately hugged the girl. The shouting from the next room was muffled, but was still pretty loud.

"We missed you." Lucas mumbled to El. "I missed you, too."

"We talked about you pretty much every day." Dustin added. The boys stepped back and El moved her focus to the Henderson boy, pocking towards his mouth. "Teeth."


"You have teeth." She clarified. Dustin shared a look with Lucas. "Oh. You like these pearls?" She growled, scaring Eleven and confusing Annie.

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