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032. dont be hero

The night had now fallen and Annie was sitting in the bus, back against the wall as she sat on the floor. Steve paced in front of her while the three teens were at the top of the bus on look out.

"My plan would have worked, Steve. I just use something to cut my hand, blood on the meat and Dart would be here right now."

"And then you would be bleeding and more would come to get you." Steve shot back, stopping his pacing to face her. "I'm not doing round two where your hurt and I have to save your ass."

Annie rolled her eyes at him. "I can save myself. The Russian maverick was jammed. It wasn't my fault." The blonde sighed.

"I'm not letting you die, Annie!" Steve shouted and it went silent before a creaky step was heard. The older two turned to see Max and Dustin standing there awkwardly.

"Didn't mean to interrupt." Dustin sighed before walking over to a seat.

"It's fine, Dusty. How's Lucas?"

"Still on lookout."

The four went into a comfortable silence, Steve had plopped down beside Annabelle, taking the lighter out of his pocket and flipping it on and off. Neither said a word to each other. That was until Max spoke up.

"So you really fought one of these things before?"

Steve paused flickering the lighter and looked to the red head, nodding. His gaze landed on Annie briefly as she let out a shaky breath, nodding. The blonde brought her knees to her chest, arms wrapping around her legs.

"And you're like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?"

Before Annie or Steve could prove to the girl, Dustin was quick to fire back to her. "Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear. Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home."

Annie sighed, feeling the pain from Dustin's words. So did Steve as he felt the same way when the girl he liked not liking him back, but Steve was better at hiding his feelings then the blonde.

"Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max shot back, walking past Henderson to climb up the stairs to the roof, joining Lucas.

"That's good. Just show her you don't care." Steve smirked. Annie rolled her eyes, dropping her head down to rest on her knees. "I don't." Dustin answered solemnly. In return, Steve just winked at the younger boy.

"Why are you winking at me, Steve? Stop." Dustin sighed and walked to the end of the bus, dropping down to one of the seats with a huff. Steve stopped flicking the lighter for a moment, eyes set on the night sky outside. When the two were kids, Steve would drag her along to go star gazing and they would laugh at the stupid things they said, just enjoying the others company.

"It was real, wasn't it?" Annabelle broke the silence, "Hmm?" Steve hummed, both keeping their eyes forward. "You and me... Such a long time ago we were just a couple of kids. But we really loved each other, didn't we?"

"Yeah," Steve turned his head to look at her. "we really did." Annie looked to her left, meeting his gaze.

A distant and familiar growl brought them out of there own bubble, bringing the real world back to them. The two rushed up to the window, followed by Dustin.

The fog proved the task to find Dart harder. " You see him?"


"He has to be here." Annie mumbled, scanning the area. "Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin called out.

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