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[November 1984]
042. dinner party

Annabelle was bouncing her leg up and down, pushing around the food on her plate.
"This is delicious, Ms. Rogers." Steve smiled to the older woman, seeing as Annie wasn't going to say anything anytime soon.

Annabelle had barely spoken to or seen Liam's mom since last year. She avoided her at all costs. But after recent events, Steve promised to come with her. Nancy and Jonathan was still working on the information to be released of the Lab, making it clear that Liam and Barb didn't run away, but did die as a result of Hawkins Lab.

Nick, Liam's older brother, sat at one end of the table, pushing around his food too. His hood up, ignoring his mom and the guests. Since Liam was officially missing, Nick Rogers had been going down hill, ditching collage. He felt as though it was his fault.

"Thank you, Steven." Ms Rogers smiled up to the boy, eyes glancing across to Annie who sat beside him. "How has school been, Annabelle?"

The blonde's head shot up, eyes quickly meeting the woman's. Annie swallowed back the lump forming in her throat and looked away just as quickly. "It's okay. Senior year isn't that bad." Her voice quiet.

Betty Rogers sent her a small smile, knowing herself that it was hard for the young girl. "I hated my senior year. I twisted my ankle in gym." She laughed to herself, "That was how I met there dad. I fell into him and he had to help me to the nurses office."

Annie sent her a small smile, eyes flickering to Nick then back to the woman who always made her feel at home. "Sounds like he was really nice." Steve spoke.

Betty grinned, "Oh, he was a fool. He was dumb as a bag of nuts. But he was sweet. Stayed with me the whole time and then drove me home. That day forward he followed me like a dog on a leash."

Annie smiled to herself. She heard the stories and saw the photos. The two were in real love. Soulmates. Twin flames, whatever you want call it. He died a few years back. It was hard on Liam and so Annie was practically attached to the boys hip at school after, making sure Liam was oaky.

Steve saw the frown fall on Annie's lips at the thought about her best friend and so he placed a hand on her thigh under the table, letting Annie know he was there.

"Sounds like Annie." Nick mumbled under his breath.

"Hmm?" Ms. Rogers asked, taking a bite out of the chicken.

Nick scoffed and looked up, looking straight at Annie who instantly looked back down to her lap. "Liam and Steve would follow Annabelle round like a lost puppy all the time. Even Liam wanted to walk back that night just to make sure she was okay at that party. But it doesn't really matter, does it? He went missing and you started dating the king Steve."

Annie bit the inside of her cheek, holding back her forming tears. She didn't know that Liam went after her that night. She didn't know what had happened but knew he died in that terrible place, alone and cold. Liam died because of her.

"Nicolas." Betty warned.

"Um," Annie stood up, eyes frantic as she placed the napkin on the table. "I should go. Thank you for the food." Annie dodged Steve and shuffled out from the chair, grabbing her jacker as she rushed towards the front door. She stopped and looked back, her heart beat rising by the second. "I-I'm sorry." Annabelle didn't let Betty respond nor Steve protest, she just.. left.

Annabelle rushed out the front door, letting herself drop down to sit at the curb, knees to her chest. A moment later a familiar presence was beside her.

"I don't know why I even came." Annie mumbled, letting her head fall to her knees. "How am I suppose to look her in the eyes and act as if my actions didn't cost Liam his life. How am I suppose to smile and let her think Liam is missing when he's dead, stuck in that hell."

Steve took a seat beside her, grabbing her hand to hold in his and soothingly rub his thumb over her knuckles. "I know it's hard. I don't understand in the same way... but, Liam wouldn't want you to blame yourself and he wouldn't want you to feel guilty."

Annie rested her head on his shoulder, her other hand going to her necklaces. "God, I was so stupid to come here." The blonde mumbled to herself, letting out a sigh. "When do you think Nancy and Jonathan will get the rest off the evidence? I just need to know that Barb and Liam's family have closer, a funeral and we can finally let them rest. We can finally leave the upside down behind."

"Soon." Steve lent his head on hers, glancing up to the starry night. "It's going to be okay. I'm not leaving you and we can let the past stay in the past. But you'll always remember Liam, he's still here in a way."

Annabelle bit her lip and lifted her head to look at him. "I think I was an idiot for leaving you that night you kissed me."

"I think I was the idiot to fall in love with you. You could run me over a million times and I'd still come crawling back."

Annabelle chucked, "Guess your stuck with me now." She grinned up to him.

"You always have been, Tinkerbell." He smirked, leaning down to kiss her lips. She tasted like cherry. It was always cherry.  When he pulled back, he looked into her eyes, those big brown doe eyes. "I guess I really am like a lost puppy when it comes to you."

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