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016. staring nancy wheeler

When Annabelle woke up that morning, Steve was already gone. As Annabelle got ready for that day she got a call from Nancy and Jonathan that they had found a new lead and would pick her up before heading to the get supplies.

The three of then was walking through the store, picking up random things, tape, rope, axe's, anything that could kill the monster.

"Why didn't it come after me? I was bleeding to." Annabelle whispered to Jonathan beside her. He shrugged back, "I don't know. But right now, it's the thing we have." Picking up a can of gasoline, the boy walked round to the next isle where Nancy was.

"stupid monster. stupid party. stupid junior year." She mumbled, adding another tin of gasoline to her basket and joining the other two. The three sharing a look, Jonathan grabbed the bear trap, passing the can to Annie beforehand.

Placing the items down on the counter, the girls took everything out the shopping basket, ignoring the look on the servers face. "And I'll have four boxes of the .38s." Jonathan added while Annie gave him a sweet smile, trying to get the man to let this slid.

"What you kids doin' with all this?"

Nancy and Jonathan shared a look with Annabelle smiled, quickly thinking of an excuse. "Monster hunting." She saw Jonathan give her look beside her so, she elbowed him in the side and he stumbled out his words. "Uh, yeah. Monster hunting."

"Huh." The cashier scoffed, putting the stuff through the register and billing up the items. As the trio left the store, hands full of stuff, Jonathan chuckled, "Monster hunting?"

"What?" Annie laughed, looking back to him while he opened the trunk of his car. "It's the first thing I thought off. Would you rather me say, 'no sir, we're trying to capture and kill a monster with no face.'" She shook her head, putting a bag into the car.

"You know, last week... I was shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like. It took me and Barb all weekend. It seemed like life or death, you know? and... and now-" Nancy voiced as the trio put the monster fighting stuff away.

"You're shopping for bear trapes with Annabelle Lewis and Jonathan Byers." Jonathan cut her off. "Yeah." she sighed.

"What's the weirdest part? Us or the bear trap?" Annie chuckled, leaning against the car as the boy locked it.

"You. It's definitely you two."

A smiled made its way to Annabelle's lip as she saw the way Jonathan and Nancy looked at each other. She may be Steve's friend, but she saw the way these two looked at one another.

"Hey, Nance!" A car honk made the trio turn around to the voice coming from a red car. "Can't wait to see your movie." The guys in the car, same age as Jonathan, laughed as they drove away.

"What the hell was that?" Jonathan asked as Nancy tried looking for an answer. "I don't know." Annabelle leant of the car, shrugging to the boy when he looked to her. Both their focus went to Nancy who looked she figured something out.

"What?" The blonde asked first. Nancy ignored her, continue to walk off. "What?" the boy asked this time but when she still ignored them, the duo huffed, following there friend.

"Nancy, wait!"

Annabelle had taken pain killers not long ago, so it was less painful to walk on her ankle, but she still was trying to keep up with the girl's fast pace.

"Nancy!" Annie called, her and the Byers boy watching as she ran across the street, not looking. The two followed, checking at the same time no cars was coming.

Looking up at the movie theatre in front of them, a sigh left Annabelle's lip when she saw the graffiti. 'Staring Nancy The Slut Wheeler'.


"Oh, God."

A moment later, the girl was off again. "Again?" Annabelle huffed, following the Wheeler girl and Byers. Just as Annie got the side ally where Nancy went down, she saw the girl slap Steve. Tommy. H., Carol and Nicole all stood by.

"I can't believe that I was actually worried about you." Steve scoffed, the same time Annabelle joined the girl's side.

"What are you talking about?"

"I wouldn't lie if I were you." Carol shot back to Nance. "You don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?"

"Speak of the devil. Hi." Tommy smirked. Neither of the group acknowledged Annabelle, but she could tell it was because she's Steve's friend. They couldn't say anything bad to her when he's around.

"You came by last night?" Nancy realised.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Does she get a prize?" Carol snickered.

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that." Nancy argued. "What, you just let him into your room to... study?"

"Or for another purvey photo session? Where was Annie this time?" Tommy laughed.

Annabelle had enough. She sighed and stepped in front of Nancy, putting a hand to Steve's chest to get him to back off. "We talked about this, Steve." She mumbled to him.

"We were just-"

"you were just what? Finish the sentence." Steve shot back. He grabbed Annie's wrist, moving her to the side of him but not letting go of her. "Finish the sentence. Go to hell, Nancy." Steve said venomously. Nancy's focus was on Annabelle though. She noticed the look on Annie's face. Steve was now to busy shouting at Jonathan to notice.

The blonde whimpered at the tight grip on her wrist Steve was holding, the boy not realising how tight he held due to his anger. It wasn't until the Wheeler girl shouted to him, breaking him out of his shouting match with Byers. "Steve!" the brunette girl looked the Annabelle. Steve whipped his head sound to the her and saw her pain, instantly letting go, stepping back in pure shock he had accidently hurt her.

Quickly, Nancy reached for Annie, pulling the blonde to her while Annabelle cradled her arm to her chest. Jonathon put a hand on Annie's shoulder, trying to get the two girls to leave with him following. They did as such, until Steve started to argue with the Byers boy again.

"That house is full of screw-ups. You know, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. A bunch of screw-ups in your family."

Nancy kept a hand linked with Annie's, turning back to face there friend who stopped. "Jonathan, leave it."

"I mean, you mom..." The Harrington boy continued. "I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother."

"Steve, shut up!" Nance shouted to the other boy. Annie kept her gaze on the floor. She tried to drown out the fighting, Nancy squeezing her hand back to know she's okay.

"I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers, their family, its's a disgrace to the entire-" Steve was cut off with a punch to his face from Jonathan. Annabelle and Nancy gasped, stepping back.

Steve turned to face the Byers boy, quickly moving to tackle him down. "Steve!" Nancy yelled out. "Stop! Steve! Knock it off, you guys!" Annabelle turned away, gulping down the lump in her throat, trying to ignore Steve's friends shout to.

Tommy tried to interfere, but Steve pushed him back, throwing a punch to Jonathan. Just as quickly, Jonathan hit him back.

"Jonathan, stop! Stop! Your going to hurt him!" Nancy called out once again. "Jonathan, get off him!" Police sirens sounded round the corner, yet the boy didn't take notice.

"Cops! Come on!"

"J!" Annabelle finally called out to her friend, seeing the cops pulling up behind. Everything happened all at once. Tommy tried to get Jonathan off Steve, but was pushed back. The police officer sped over to get Jonathan off but was then accidently elbowed by him. Another officer pulled Jonathan off just as Tommy grabbed Steve, dragging him away from Callahan.

The Harrington quickly looked back, making eye contact with Annabelle, guilt written over his features. The blonde looked away, hand gripping tighter with Nancy who was becoming stressed. This week really couldn't get worse. If only they knew...

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