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[March 1985]
046. Frankenstein

"No, so what I'm saying is Frankenstein is the doctor, right? So, would that- " Annabelle was cut of as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She let out a squeal as she was lifted off the floor. Steve carried her away, arms still around her. As Annie giggled, she looked back over to the girl she was in the middle of talking to. "I'll see you tomorrow, Robin!"

Letting her back to the floor, Steve spun Annabelle around so she was facing him before leaning down to kiss her.

"Hi" She chuckled after pulling back.

"Hi." He smirked down to her. Steve intertwined his fingers with hers, tugging Annie with him to the closet beside them. As soon as the door shut, Annie's back was against it and Steve's lips was instantly on hers.

"We-" Annie started but Steve cut her off with a kiss. "have class, Ste." the boy sighed, giving her one last quick kiss to her lips before pulling back. "I know, but I had at-lest a minute to steal you away."

Annabelle shook her head and took his hand in hers, "We'll I'm with you all tonight after school. But right now," she opened the door to lead them out. "we need to get to class before you get held back."

Steve groaned back, "She has it out for me. I bet on all the ice cream I have at home that she's gonna give us detention."  Just as Annie stepped out the doorway, she immediately lost her footing as she began to fall forward. Before Steve could react, Annie was already falling into someone who quickly held her up from being met with floor.

"Jeez, Anna." The blonde laughed after seeing it was Jonathan who had caught her. "Sorry." She shyly smiled. The Byers boy shook his head with a smile before hurrying off to his next class that he would soon be late for. "Bye, J!" Annie called out the same time as Steve pulled her with him down the corridor, rushing to there next class in fits of laughter.

"We're gonna be late, tinkerbell!"

"It was your fault!" Annie laughed, nearly having to run to keep up with him as Steve rushed to class, his hand intertwined with hers.

The couple laughed, turning to the classroom. Steve opened the door and the duo chuckled, stumbiling in. "How nice of you two to finally join us. Take a seat. And detention, Saturday." Steve groaned before sharing a look with Annie, the two having to bite there lip to contain there laughter.

Steve lead them to the back of the class, sitting in the two remaining seats. Annabelle pulled her book and pens out her bag and passed a pencil to the boy beside her. Just as Steve was about to take it, she kept it in her grip. "I'm getting that ice cream." The blonde smiled.

It was the middle of the night, when Annabelle woke up to screaming. She immediately sat up, realising it was Steve beside her.

"Hey, hey. You're fine." She reassured, sitting up beside him, rubbing his back with one hand and the other on his arm. Steve held his head in his hands, trying to calm his frantic breathing that came out as a pant.

"You're fine. You're okay." She pulled him closer to her, his head resting on her shoulder. "No one can hurt you." Annie soothed him.

Steve took deep breaths, burying his head in the crock of her neck. "It's all okay."

Annie pulled the two to lie back down, her arm wrapped around him and the other running her fingers through his hair. Steve kept his face nuzzled in her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist tightly.

"I love you." She kissed his head. Annabelle kept him close, rubbing his back and racking her fingertips through his hair until his breath evened out and he was asleep. Annie stayed awake for a while after, making sure he was okay.

It was common for both or one of them to wake up in a cold sweat, scared out there mind after a nightmare. Steve tried to hide it at first but Annie quickly picked up on the lack of sleep he was getting and they both became each others comfort after there memories got twisted in there heads at night.

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