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039. down the rabbit hole

Annabelle put her foot down on the gas, glancing to Max beside her for instructions. "Straight ahead." Max spoke to the blonde.

In the back seat, Steve began to wake up, looking beside him to be met with Mike. "Nancy?" He asked groggily. Annie sighed in relief, hearing that Steve was okay.

"No, don't touch it." She heard Dustin say to Steve before glancing in the mirror to see his hand over his bruised and beaten face. "Hey, buddy..."

"Where... Where's Annie?"

Dustin didn't have time to respond as Max called out instructions. "You're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai."

"Annie!" Steve yelled as he saw the blonde in front of the car. "You can't drive."

"Yes I can." She called back, glancing to him then back to the road. "You taught me, dingus."

Steve began to yell frantically and the three boys tried to calm him down, but It didn't work. "Steve!" The older boy went silent. "I can drive perfectly fine and if you shout one more time, I swear to God, Steven, I will push you out this car right now! All of you."

After Annie's outburst, the car was completely silent, except for Max who gave the older girl instructions from the passenger seat. Annie knew the way, but she needed to focus on driving and not the street names.

"Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left." Max yelled as she realised they were there. Annie looked to her then back to road, putting her foot down on the gas as she turned the wheel towards the left, barley missing the box.

Annie ignored the screaming boys in the back and pressed her foot further on the gas as they got closer to the farm. "Shit." She mumbled to herself as she accidently ran over the sign to the pumpkin patch.

Seeing the hole in the ground by the headlights, she swerved to a stop, letting out a deep breath as she parked.




Annie shut her eyes, letting her head rest of the steering wheel. Max got out the passenger side first, pulling back her seat as the boys shuffled out, heading to the trunk for supplies. Annie ran a hand through her hair before getting out the car and pulling back her seat for the others.

Lucas handed her two bandanas and goggles as the rest put there own on. "Guys." She looked up when she heard Steve mumble. Her heart dropped, realising that she shouldn't have brought Steve. He was in no way to help. He nearly just died by Billy.

"Oh, no. Guys. Hey, where do you think you're going?" Steve leant against the door. "What are you, deaf? Hello? Annie?"

The blonde in question pulled her hair up into a pony tail, resting the items on the hood of the car. "We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear. Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right?" Steve raised his voice slightly, yet the kids ignored them.

Lucas looked to Annie and nodded towards the older boy, but he was already getting lectured by Dustin. Annie nodded anyway and walked around to the duo.

"Steve, you're upset, I get it. But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is out duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you both promised Nance that you would keep us safe. So, keep us safe." With that, Dustin walked away and Annie took his place.

The blonde sat on the hood on the car, pulling Steve to stand in front of her as she tied the bandana around his face despite his protests. "I'm sorry. I know you promised Nancy, but I couldn't just let us stay there with Billy. I was so scared for your life. I truly am sorry, Steve. This is on me and not you. But, Steve. . .they need you too and I know your tired. I nearly saw you die."

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