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015. save yourself

"Anna! Nancy!" Jonathan kept calling out. "Annie!" Inside of the other world, Annabelle was being dragged along by Nancy, trying her best to run with her hurt ankle.

"J!" She screamed out, hearing him trying calling for the duo. "Jonathan, where are you?"

"Jonathan!" Nancy cried, trying to find a way out. "Jonathan! Jonathan, we're right... We're right here!"

"J!" Annie looked around, "Please, Jonathan! Where are you?"

"I'm right here!" The girls faintly heard the boy shout. Both girls shouted out for him but only their voices were quiet to Jonathan. "I'm right here! Nancy! Annie! Just follow my voice!"

"Jonathan!" Annabelle yelled out again, her voice hurting from the shouting and the screaming. She felt a tug at her hand and the duo began to walk closer to the sound of there friend.

"Just follow my voice!"



"Follow my voice, Nancy, Anna, I'm right here!" They continued to follow the voice from the distance. "Annabelle! Nancy!"

Just as they took another step, they turned as they heard a low growl. Annabelle's breath hitched in her throat at the sight of this monster while Nancy gasped beginning to run as did Annie.

Skidding to a stop, Nancy pulled the two of them behind a large tree, placing a hand over Annabelle's mouth to make sure she didn't say anything as she tried to contain her own breathing.

Outside, Jonathan had found the gap in the tree bark and slowly walked closer to it, shining the flashlight into it.

All Annabelle could think about was that she was going to die. She closed her eyes, hoping it was just a nightmare. She always wished she'd wake up back to her six year old self but that never happened. And right now, she just begged that the wish would come true this time. She just wanted to go home.

The growling got closer and Annabelle held tighter onto the Wheeler girl's hand, both holding on for dear life, their eyes scrunching closed, holding their breath.

"Nancy... Annabelle." They heard Jonathan close by. "Anna! Nancy! Follow my voice!" Both followed the sound, seeing as it was coming from the tree to their right. The duo shared a look. One of worry. It might not be possible for both to get through without drawing attention to the creature. But one could make it.

A sad smile made its way to Annie's lips, tears clouding her vison. She let go off the brunette and mouthed, 'go' She shook her head but Annie bite her lip, quickly grabbing Nancy's arm to push her towards the tree.

The brunette looked back with teary eyes and rushed towards the tree, climbing through the gap and sticking her arm out, Jonathan grabbed her hand helping her through. At the same time, Annabelle stayed behind the same tree,  waiting until she knew Nancy was through before joining her.



With a deep breath, the blonde pushed off from the tree, glancing around for the monster. With slow and quiet steps, she made her way to the same tree, quickly trying to hurry through.

"Where's Annie? Annie!"

She heard Jonathan yell. Quietly trying to make her way to the end on the hole, she went to shout for him, but instead felt something wrap around her ankle. "Jonathan!" She yelled, using her other leg to try and hit of whatever it was.

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