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006. Show 'em what you got

Annabelle was sitting on one of the pool chairs, watching with amusement as Tommy tried to throw Carol in the pool. She sipped her beer, shaking her head at how loud her shrieking was.

"Stop it, Tommy, no! Don't!"

Her eyes trained on to Steve as he walked past with a beer in his hand to his seat. He held the can in one hand, sticking  a knife to one end before quickly placing in to his mouth, opening the tab at the same time.

Annabelle rolled her eyes at him, looking behind to share a glace with Barb, who definitely did not want to be here.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" Nancy spoke to the boy as he stuck a cigarette in between his lips. "You're not?"

"You are a cliché, you do realize that?"

"What with your... your grades and your band practice." Steve tailed off. "I'm so not in band practice." Nancy said back as Annabelle stood, walking over before being stopped by Steve's words.

"Annebelle is great at this. Is she a cliché?" He smiled widely at the blonde, chucking the can to her. "Show 'em what you got."

The blonde rolled her eyes, grabbing the knife from him, careful not to cut her hand. "idiot..." She muttered under her breath, stabbing the end of the can, quickly bringing it to her mouth, opening the tab and tilting her head back, gulping back quickly the contents.

She pulled the can way from her lips, using her thumb to wipe the droplets of the side of her chin and passing the knife to the boy, exchanging it for his cigarette. He just looked at her bewildered, a small clap of his hands in achievement.

"She hangs out with you. Not a cliché." Nancy spoke with a smile to the girl. "Okay, party girl. Why don't you just show us how its done then?" Steve handed the knife now to the wheeler girl.

"Okay." She took the knife and a fresh beer can, standing up and getting the drink in place.

"You gotta make a little hole right in-"

"I got it."

Annabelle smirked at the girl out shining Steve but her smirk turned into a frown when Steve sat up, taking the cigarette between the girl's lip back to his, sending a cheeky smile to her too.

"Chug, chug, chug." Steve, Tommy and Carol chanted as Nancy shot back the beer. "Chug. Chug. Chug. Chug."

Nancy dropped the can to the floor with a clatter, before taking a bow. Annabelle raised an eyebrow, impressed, clapping to the girl slowly.

"Barb, wanna try?"

Annie looked over to the pair. "what? no. No, I don't want to. Thanks."
"Come on." Nancy grabbed a new drink, walking over to her friend.

"Yeah..." Steve cheered on, but trailed off as Annabelle reached over, hitting his arm to shut up. Annabelle grabbed the flask in Steve's hand, chuging back the contests while Nancy tried to persuade Barb.

"Eh. What is this?" Annie furrowed her brows, passing the empty flask back to him. "Whisky." She shook her head back to him..

Harrington looked from Nancy to Barb, who stood and held the can in her shaky hand with the knife in her other. Annabelle grabbed the cigarette to take one more puff, pacing it back to him once more.

The can in Barb's hand fell to the floor, all eyes on her as she looked down to where the knife had just cut her palm.

"Gnarly." Tommy H muttered.

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