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019. the acrobat and the flea?

The group sat around the coffee table, Mike had drawn a somewhat explanation. There was a line with a stick figure on top and a fly going from the top to under the line. The upside down.

"Okay, so, in this example, we're the acrobat." Mike explained. "Will, Barbra, Liam, and that monster, they're this flea." Annabelle looked down, taking a deep breath. "And the upside down, where Will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space."

"A gate."

"That we tracked to Hawkins Lab."

"With our compasses." Dustin sighed at the confused faces and explained. "Okay, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle."

"Is this gate underground?"

"Yes." Eleven finally answered, to Hopper.

"Near a large water tank?" she nodded.

"How do you know all that?" The curly head boy stuttered to Chief Hopper. "He's seen it." Mike spoke.

"Is there a any way that you could.. that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him in this-" Joyce asked calmly and slow.

"The Upside Down." El mumbled back, breaking her gaze on Jim to the worried mother. Joyce nodded. Annabelle who was sat beside the young girl, placed her hand lightly on her small one, sending a warm smile to the girl.

"And my friend Barbra? And Annie's friend Liam? Can you find them, too?" Nancy voiced and the guilt eating at Annabelle made her close her eyes, but calmed when she felt the young girl move her hand around to fidget with the scrunchie on Annie's wrist. Eleven didn't say anything, only nodding back a yes.

As the group had made its way into the kitchen, Annabelle grabbed Hopper's arm, keeping him back for a second,

"Is that the place me and Nancy was stuck in?" Annabelle asked, glancing to Nancy who was at the door, a shiver running down both there spins at the memory of that place. "I-I'm not going back there. That place.. It was like Hell had frozen over Hawkins. Except, it wasn't our Hawkins."

Hopper sighed, pulling the girl in for a hug, resting his chin atop her head. "No ones going there. We're just going to get Will and Liam and Barb then leave and El will shut the gate." Annabelle nodded her head, still against his chest. "Now we need to see this superpowered girl." She pulled back, smiling at him and the duo joined the others at the table. A few things was scattered beside the photo taken of Barb the night she disappeared and a walkie talkie that was set to static.

Everything seemed normal while Eleven had her eyes closed, it want until the lights about started to flicker. It was unnerving to Annie. There was a complete silence for a moment, until El opened her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"What? What's wrong? what happened?" Joyce stuttered, her hand resting on Jim's that was on her shoulder.

"I can't find them."

Nancy and Annabelle laced hands. It was weird how close they had come in a matter of days. It seemed every time something bad happened, they found a way to each other, not letting go.

El had gone to the bathroom to take a moment to breath, while the rest of the group had there mind wondering to every bad possibility.

"Whenever she uses her powers, she gets weak." The three younger boys began to explain. "The more energy she uses, the more tires she gets."

"Like, she flipped the van earlier."

"It was awesome."

"But she's drained."

"Like a bad battery."

"Well..." Joyce began, "How do we make her better?" It was hard for the mother. She wants her son, but she knows the Eleven is also just a kid. It's not fair on any of them.

"We don't. We just have to wait and try again."

"Well, how long?" Nancy asked urgently. her little brother just shrugged. "I don't know."

"The bath." Hearing El, all heads turned to her.

"What?" Annabelle finally asked, her voice slightly breaking as she had to hold herself together, trying not to think of Liam and Will and even Barb who she barely knew.

"I can find them... In the bath."

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