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014. I dont want to kill Bambi

The trio was walking through the woods, the sun had just gone down. Only there flashlights lit up the dark woods.

Annabelle was trying her best to use walk on her hurt ankle but she was now slightly leaning on Jonathan who helped her so she wasn't in to much pain. The small cut had stopped bleeding a little while ago.

Nancy and Jonathan hadn't told Annie about the argument between them, but she could tell something happened from the tension between the pair. The blonde didn't bother to ask. She just wanted today to be over with already.

"Nance?" The blonde asked, noticing the girl had stopped. The brunette, however, didn't answer. "What? Are you tired?" Jonathan added, earing a hit on his arm from his friend.

"Shut up."

"What?" Jonathan asked confused and offended to the brunette.

Annabelle heard a distant sound, one that didn't sound normal. "What was that?" The blonde asked while looking around, as did Nancy.

"What was what, Annie?" He looked down to her. "I heard something." Nancy answered instead. Just as she did, the same indistinct whimper was made clear.

Without so much as a thought, Nancy, Jonathan and Annabelle followed the sound through the woods, coming across an injured deer.

"Oh, God." Annie sighed, a frown on her face at poor animal, who was whimpering in front of them. Nancy knelt down beside it, trying to help as Jonathan knelt behind her too. Annie kept standing, her foot raised of the ground slightly.

The brunette girl reached out to touch the deer, "It's been hit by her a car." she sighed, "We cant just leave it." she turned back to face the other two. All eyes glanced down the gun on the ground beside Nancy.

The Wheeler girl picked up the gun, but hesitated lifting it even towards the deer.
"I don't want to kill Bambi." Annabelle voiced as she saw Jonathans gaze on her. It was now all down to Jonathan to do this not so simple task. "I'll do it." He said, reaching for the gun in Nancy's hand,

"I thought you said-"

"I'm not nine anymore."

The pair stood up, joining Annie. The girls quickly latched their hands together, turning away from the sight ahead of them as Jonathan cocked back the gun. All they could hear was Jonathans deep breathing until, a loud noise made the trio jump, the gun going off in the process. The deer was dragged back into the trees behind.

"What... was that?" Annabelle gasped, trying to catch her breath. They all shared a look before their flashlights shown over where the deer was taken, seeing a path of the deer's blood.

The trio kept frantically looking around, Jonathan keeping the gun raised while Nancy held onto the bat and Annie standing between them since she had no weapon in hand.

"Where'd it go?"

"I don't know."

"It has to be somewhere." Annabelle sighed, turning around to look in another direction, shining her flashlight.

"Do you see any more blood?" Jonathan asked, "No." Both girls responded. Sharing a quick glance with Jonathan, Annabelle followed Nancy one way while Jonathan went the other.

"Is that?" Annabelle trailed off, her sight on a hole in the tree that was dripping... something. The blonde knelt down in front of it, seeing what it was. "Are you sure?" Nancy knelt down beside her, dropping the bat.

Annabelle shrugged back and moved the flashlight further towards the tree, seeing a weird goop fill the sides.

"Jonathan?" Nancy called out, followed by Annie, "J!" Looking around, the two hadn't realised how much they had wondered off and the further away he got.

"Do we?" Annabelle looked to the brunette. She shrugged, "It's the only way, right?" With a heavy sigh, Annie nodded back. Nancy took her rucksack off, but Annabelle quickly put her hand out to stop her.

"One of us goes."

"Then you stay here. Your hurt, Annie. I'll be fine." Nancy tried to smile to her but Annie could see past it. "We'll both go then. But I'm not dying for you, Wheeler." She smiled softly to the brunette.

"I'm not dying for you, Lewis." and with a deep breath, Nancy crawled through the gap in the tree first, followed by Annabelle. Both tried to ignore the slimy trail around them, and kept moving through until the other side.

As soon as Nancy got through, she stood up and offered a hand out to help Annabelle up. They tried to dust themselves off from the dirt but their attention was drawn to the flashlights flickering.

The blonde looked around, it was so weird and different. It was like it was snowing but it wasn't. It was dark but a different dark. It felt like Hawkins but not there Hawkins. Nancy laced her hand with the blondes and two carefully began walking through.

Just as the flashlight started to flicker again, Annie went to hit it against her thigh but the same time a snarl grabbed the girls attention, making them look in the direction. Both gasped as they saw a creature knelt over by the same deer from earlier.

Both girls stayed quiet, gripping onto one another as they took slow steps backs. However, one of their feet came in contact with a branch. The sound making the creature turn to them, a loud roar leaving its mouth shaped like a flower.

The two girls screamed, turning on there heel to run. Both accidently dropped the flashlights at the same time. The brunette kept a tight grip onto Annie, making sure she was with her due to hurting her ankle not long ago.

Outside, Jonathan had heard screams, turning towards the sound but nothing was there. "Anna! Nancy!" He quickly ran off, trying to find the two girls. What he did find was The brunettes bag and the baseball bat on the floor.

"Nancy? Annabelle?" He called out. "Where are you? Nancy? Anna!" He kept walking, looking around but missed the gap in the tree where the two girls where at. It didn't matter as the same hole began to close, leaving the duo behind in danger.

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