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017. Annabelle Rose Lewis

Annabelle sat beside Jonathan, avoiding his looks at her. He knew she was mad at him. The awkward tension between the two was worse after Nancy had gone to get ice for Jonathan.

"I'm sorry." Jonathan blurted out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Annabelle scoffed, hitting his shoulder before wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. "You're so stupid sometimes, J."

The boy sighed, not being able to hug her back due to the handcuffs. "I know. I'm sorry." When she pulled back, she sent him a smile. "How's your wrist?"

"Um..." She looked down to her right wrist that was a little sore. "Nothing I can't handle. I mean, I've had to be patched up twice in the last week. I think I can manage it."

"I've always told you, you were clumsy. Do you admit it now?" Jonathan chucked to the blonde.

Not a moment later, Nancy walked back with towels wrapped with ice. She passed one to Annie who took it gratefully, moving round the brunette girl to sit on the desk, leaving Nancy to sit beside the boy.

"Found some ice." after a little awkward interaction, the brunette girl held the ice to Jonathans face. "Everything oaky?" Annie heard the boy say to Nancy. "Yeah. Everything's fine." Annie looked down at her hands, fidgeting with the pink scrunchie, a small smile on her face.

It wasn't like she wanted to see Steve with a broken heart, but just the way Jonathan and Nancy looked at each other was something different then when Nance looked at Steve. 

Shortly after, a familiar voice made the girl look up, seeing Chief Hopper and Joyce Byers walk in.

"Hey. Jonathan? Jesus, what... what happened? Annabelle?" The blonde sent her a small smile, glancing over at Jim behind the woman. Annabelle jumped off the counter, walking over to him.

"Hey kid," He smiled, pulling her in for a side hug. Annabelle knew him from when her mom befriended Hopper not long after moving to Hawkins. Maybe it was just because they were able to grieve over there child together. But Jim quickly became like an uncle figure to Annie. She also used to stay at the police station with Jim if Mary had to work a little overtime, but that was before meeting Steve. "Ma'am." Boths attention went back to the main focus.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?"

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why."

"Take them off."

"I am afraid I cannot do that."

"Take them off!" Joyce yelled back to Callahan. "You heard her. Take 'em off." Jim demanded as Annie sat back on the desk. "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see."

After Jim came back with a box of there monster hunting gear, he set it down for Joyce to look in, the two younger girls looking away with a wince.

"What is this?"

"Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car." Hopper added. "Why are you going through my car?"

"Is that really the question you should be asking right now?" Hopper turned from the boy to Annie who had her head down. "Annabelle Rose Lewis. What is this?"

"Monster hunting." Annie mumbled under her breath with a shrug. Jim huffed and turned back to Jonathan. "I wanna see you in my office."

"You won't believe me."

"Why don't I give it a try."

Joyce looked at the photo given to her by Nancy. The same photo of the monster that was by Barb the night of the party. She handed it to Hopper, rubbing her forehead at the information given to her.

"You say blood draws this thing?"

"We don't know." Byers boy answered back, glancing back to Annie and Nancy. "It's just a theory." Nancy added.

"Can I, um, speak with my son for a moment." Joyce said, standing up. Jonathan followed behind, avoiding eye contact. When the door shut behind the two, Hopper looked to the girls.


"I told you. Monster hunting." A small smile of her face.

"Is that why you're wrist is bruised and your limping?" He questioned, arms crossed over his chest. Pulling her sleeve of her jumper over her arm, "Something like that." she mumbled.

"I'm going to have to call Mar-"

"Please don't call my mom. You know her. She's just going to freak out if she knew what's been happening. Do you really want two overprotective moms attacking you?" The man huffed, looking away.

"I want an apology!" a voice shouted loudly. All three inside turned to the door. "Stay here." Hopper got up, walking out the door. The girls could still hear shouting and looked to one another before hurrying out to Jonathan, trying to figure out what's happening. What to do next.

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