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[June 1985]
049. sailor sailor

"Tinkerbell, I look stupid." Steve called out from the bathroom. "No you don't, Ste." Annie laughed, sitting at the edge of her bed. "Please. Just come out."

Annabelle shared a look with her mom, who was standing in the doorway. A second later, the bathroom door opened to reveal Steve in his Scoop Ahoy uniform. He stood there in a sailor uniform, hands on his hips.

As soon as Annie and Mary saw him, they burst out laughing. Steve shook his head, "It's not funny."

"It is." Annie laughed.

Mary smiled, walking over to the boy and fixing the tie. "You look smart." She sent him her motherly smile. "Thank you, Mary." Steve sighed, giving a look to Annie who just covered her mouth to suppress her laugh. Annie's mom always treated Steve in the motherly way he wasn't really used to. Mary Lewis also always knew that Steve was totally and utterly in love with Annabelle Lewis.

"Fine. You look cute." Annie admitted.

Steve raised a brow to her. "Cute?"

Annie rolled her eyes. "Yep. The cutest sailor in the world." Mary chuckled, walking back to the door. "I'm going to make some dinner for us. You look great, Steve. It's your first real job, it'll be find and you'll make great memories."

The moment Mary left, shutting the door behind her, Steve rushed over to the bed, wrapping his arms around Annie's waist and tackling the two to the bed.

"I can't believe you called me cute." He exclaimed, hovering over her. He grinned down to her and all Annie could do was laugh at the look on his face when he phrased 'cute'.

"Well, your better looking than Frank Sinatra from Anchors Aweigh." Annie confessed.
Steve gasped, pressing a kiss to her exposed neck. "Yes! Hotter then Sinatra." He chuckled.

"And Gene Kelly."

"And Gene Kelly."

Annabelle Lewis came walking into scoops Ahoy with a smile on her face. Robin saw her first and greeted her with a fringe, "Annie. Hi."

The blonde rested her arms on the counter, "Hey, Robin." She didn't have to say anything else as the taller girl trailed her eyes over to the Harrington boy entering the store. Annie smiled to Robin before turning around and walking up to Steve, wrapping her arms around him, catching the boy off guard.

Steve immedietly relaxed as it was Annie and hugged her back, kissing the top of her head. "Hey." she pulled back and grinned up to him.

"I hate to say this, Ste, but your losing your tan cooped up in here. I think some girls are gonna get disapointed." Annabelle teases.

Steve tilted his head at her, "Ha." He spoke dryly. He kissed her lips before walking over to the counter of the shop with Annie at his side still, his arm around her waist.

"You're late." Robin raised a brow as Steve arrived.

"By one minute. Had to get something." Steve spoke. Annie released herself from him and looked to the boy.

"Ohh. What'd you get?" Annie asked, Steve smirked and reached into his pocket, pulling out a cassette and holsing it out to her. "Brand new Tears for Fears."

Annabelle gasped as she looked down at the new album; Songs from the big chair by Tears for Fears. "Oh my, God." she squealed and Steve let her take the cassette tape in her hands. "How did you ge this?" her brown eyes met his.

"Told Quinny to keep one to the side. He told me he got new shipment today." Steve chuckled as Annie immedietly wrapped her arms around the boy. "I love you. I love you." She mumbled into the crook of his neck, the boy squeazing her back.

"Love you too, tink."

Annabelle pulled back and stood on her tip toes to press a kiss his lips. A cough interupted them. "Hate to break this up, but Steve, your shift starts." Robin spoke.

Steve groaned, letting his head fall to rest on Annie's shoulder. The blonde chuckled, "It's fine. I'm suppost to go and help with El's englsih anyway." She kissed the boy goodbye, waving at Robin as she left shop.

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