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041. confession

The two teens sat in the back seat of Hoppers cruiser. Steve was past out with his head resting on Annabelle's shoulder. Annie had asked for Hopper to drop the two of at Steve's. The Harrington boy was still pretty out of it from the beating from Billy andAnnie wanted to make sure he was okay and alive. The duo also needed to clean up the cuts and bruises from the day.

As the Chief of police pulled up upside the Harrington resident, he looked back to the young girl. "Are you sure your okay? Both of you?" She nodded back, unbuckling her seat belt.

"I'm fine. Can you call my mom, tell her I'm staying at Steve's and will back before dinner tomorrow?"

Hopper nodded in reply. Annabelle got out the cruiser, waking round the other side to help Steve out. "Come on, Stevie." She wrapped her arm around his waist, letting him drop her weight onto her. "Bye, Hop!" Annie called back as she shut the car door behind.

"Stay safe, okay."

As the car drove away, Annie grabbed the keys from Steve's pocket and opened the front door into his home. The lights were all off, signalling that the Harrington's were once again, away.

"I don't want you to leave me." Steve mumbled under his breath as Annie shut the door behind them, reaching over to turn on the light. "I'm not, Ste. Don't worry. But I do need to clean your face up so it doesn't get infected."

"I'm tired." Steve sighed from beside her as she guided them towards the stairs. Annie chuckled slightly at his words, moving his arm over her shoulder to help him better. "How about you stay awake for five minutes then you can pass out?" She offered.

Steve nodded into her shoulder. "Sounds nice. . . Will you stay?" The duo walked up the stairs, Annie trying to hold his wait up but careful of his and her injuries.

As they reached the top, Steve froze, pulling back from Annie as he panicked, realisation hitting him. "Your hurt too, Annie."

"I'm fine. Promise." She grabbed his hand, pulling the last step up. "Just need to make sure you're okay first."

Annabelle pulled the two towards Steve's room, opening the door for them to walk to. She instantly made her way to the bathroom, turning on the light as she walked through.

"Sit." She gestured to him, standing in front of the sink. Steve sighed and sat on the closed toilet seat, immediately letting his head fall to his hands.

Annabelle opened the cupboard below the sink and pulled out the first aid kit, grabbing what she needed. The duo sat in silent for those few moments.

Once Annie got what she needed, she grabbed a wet wash cloth in her hand and stood in front of Steve, having to stand between his legs.

Steve's head instantly shot up, his eyes connecting to Annie's doe ones. "This is going to hurt." The blonde smiled kindly to him before carefully wiping away the blood with the cloth.

Steve immediately winced and pulled away. "I'm sorry." Annie mumbled and gently held the boys chin between her index and her thumb, tilting the boys head back so she could clean the cuts better.

Steve kept his gaze on the blonde, knowing he would forget about the pain just by looking into her eyes. Annabelle didn't really seem to take too much notice as she was so focused on cleaning the cuts, grimacing as she thought of the fight not just today but last year and other times she caught him with a black eye.

"You should be more careful, Steve." Annabelle spoke as she leant over to the side to grab some antiseptic. She poured the disinfectant on the cloth and stood back straight in front of Steve. "I know you were protecting the kids, but if you keep getting into these situations its going to effect you."

Steve shrugged, wincing as the cold liquid touched his bruised cheek. "I am. He just caught me off guard tonight."

Annie sighed, dapping the cloth at the cut by his eyebrow. "After Christmas I'm taking you to get your eyes checked."

Steve chuckled at her words, but immediately hissed in pain, hands going to hold Annie's hips. Annie tensed at first, but melted into the touch when she realised it was just Steve.

"Those kids really need you. They look up to you. Maybe this is your family. The one you deserve. " Annie spoke kindly as she wiped under his eye. "And you do deserve one, Steve."

Steve looked up to Annie from where he sat, biting his lip. "You really think so?"

Annie nodded with a smile, puling back to look at him. "Really." The duo was caught looking into each others eyes. . . until Annie coughed, stepping back and moving her eyeline to the scattered band-aids and wipes. She took the pack of butterfly stiches and pulled one off, moving back to look at he the boy, avoiding his eye.

"Why are you so adamant on pushing everyone away?" Steve blurted out. Annie just placed her hand back on his chin to move his head up as she made sure the band-aid was on.

"Maybe it's easier not to love. Then you can't get hurt." Her words were quiet, making the duo fall into a silence.

"Remember I told you I'll tell you why I became distant in the future?" Steve spoke into the silent room, Annie nodded back slightly. "I realised I relied on you to much. It felt weird not being in the same house or seeing you everyday. It was only one day you weren't with me and I freaked. I realised that I really liked you."

"Steve..." She realised where he was going.

"I just... I just want to say I'm sorry. For everything, Annie. I didn't mean to mess up our friendship, or kiss you, or to make you mad at me-" He looked down.

"Steve, will you please shut up for a minute." When the boy looked up, he could see the grin on her face. He was expecting her to yell or hit him even. Not this.

Annabelle cupped Steve's face in her hands, leaning down to connect her lips with his. Steve Immediately kissed back, hands going to her waist. Annie smiled into the kiss, stepping back when Steve stood up, keeping his lips on hers. He placed his hands on her cheeks, a smile on his lips.

Annie pulled back with a wide grin on her face, moving to place her hands on top of his, "I love you, Steve Harrington."

Steve grinned down to her, "I love you, too, Annabelle Lewis."

He kissed her this time, the girl gladly melting into the kiss as they stepped back until her back hit the wall. They both pulled back, laughing as the door beside them crashed into the wall by the back on Annie's foot.

Annie turned to head to look at the noise then turned back to face Steve, her laugh turning to a smile as she looked up to the boy. He turned back to her, hands still on her face. A smirk grew on his lips before kissing her once more.

"Break my heart into a million pieces, Tinkerbell. It's yours to break." He mumbled against her lips.

There faces were inches apart and Annabelle had to bite her bottom lip to supress the smile that began to hurt her cheeks. "Only if you promise not to break mine?" Steve answered her by leaning down to connect there lips again.

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